Chapter One: "Someday, We'll Go Together"

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Out of the horde of footage, every scene his eyes ever beheld, the most vivid of Yukiné's early memories that I can recall finds him lying on his belly on the floor of his and his sister's tiny bedroom. In his small hands were a couple of cheap action figures and a plastic car. Immersed in his toys, The Boy rolled around the tatami mats and sitting pillows playing quietly by himself. His ochre eyes were a lot brighter back then, and they danced with the reflection of the sunlight streaming through the glass balcony doors opposite him. The space was small and compact despite there being so few possessions to fill it. One dresser, a sitting desk, and a chest were the only furniture available to the two children. The ugly green and cream wallpaper likewise hung a single shelf full of books and couple family photos.

His parents' low voices outside his open bedroom door grew louder from the kitchenette of the apartment. The Boy heard his name amidst the shouts and froze with the toy car held midair, listening intently.

"I still can't see how you're justifying this." His mother's tone was soft, tentative. "They don't want to be separated."

"And you expect me to think you could do better?" His father's voice spat in reply, "You, the woman so emotionally unstable you can't even cope with the fact you lost custody?? Give me a break!"

The Boy heard no reply from Mom.

"You've somehow convinced the girl to stay with your sorry ass," Went on Dad's brash tone, "What else do you want??"

"She's old enough." Mom's lilt came so meekly it was barely audible through the thin walls. "It was her choice to stay with me, not my influence. But... I just don't see why we can't arrange something. I'll give you whatever you want; I'll pay you for goodness sake! Just please, let me call now and then and see how he's doin–"

A pounding slam of a huge palm on the countertop burst the silent tension.

"For the last time, you will not see him!" The man's roar swept the house. "You will not speak to him, do you understand me?!"

No sound of a reply came from the woman. The Boy buried his face in a pillow, shielding his ears from the loud smack followed by Mom's shrill cry and a hollow quiet.


He lifted his messy blonde head to the twelve-year-old girl standing in the doorway. The same trepidation reflected in her red, watery eyes. He jumped to his feet and ran to hug her, stopping short when he noticed the shoes on her feet and the suitcase at her side. The keen child connected the dots quickly.

"Big Sis, are you leaving already?"

Wordlessly she stepped in and wrapped him in a tight hug that pulsed with noiseless sobs.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, "This is all my fault."

The Boy's heart pinched for his poor sibling. A couple months ago Dad went a little too far with one of her punishments and Mom had to call an ambulance. That seemed to be the last straw for the mother and she requested a divorce the next day. Ever since then the girl had been an emotional wreck, convinced the family's suffering was her doing. He tightly squeezed her back.

"It's okay, Big Sis. Mama just doesn't want Daddy to hurt you anymore." He patted her back and mimicked the comforting tone Mom always pulled off so well. "Besides now we get to live at Uncle's beach house in Okinawa! We're going to have fun every day!"

His sister pulled away, holding his hands while her eyes filled. "...Don't say that." She begged him. "We've talked about this. You already know they're not going to let you come."

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