Colby- you and Colby had been dating for awhile , you told him before y'all started dating that you wanted to wait awhile to have sex, and one day you finally decided you wanted to do it by teasing him.
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Aaron- it took awhile for Aaron to decide if he wanted to do it or not but he decided that it would be best to wait until marriage and when that day finally arrived you took that shot.
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Mike- you and mike had met at a party which you were both pretty drunk , he came up to u being all sexy and touchy and you didn't care, you let him do whatever, soon he took u up to one of the rooms.
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Corey- it didn't take long for u and Corey to start but y'all were both ready and decided to do it. He was very sweet and gentle with u on ur first time because he was taking ur virginity.
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