1.7) When They're Horny *⚠️*

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Colby-  •Pushes down on it a little
•gets really touchy
•Chokes you

Aaron-  •gets a little embarrassed
•tells you about his "problem"

Mike- •starts kissing you
•grabs your ass
•puts you on his lap so u can feel

Corey-  •Covers up with a blanket/pillow
•looks at you with "That" look.
•bites his lip

Sam-  •tells you
•rubs on your thigh
•kisses your neck

Elton- •whines (sexually)
•picks you up by your ass
•tongue kisses/French kisses

Brennen-  •rubs on your 😺
•grabs ur boobs
•shows you his "problem"

Jake- •his face gets red
•pins you on the wall
•puts his hand in your pants

(The girls)

Xepher-  •gets very touchy
•kisses your spot (on your neck)
•talks sexual

Katrina- •rubs on her 😺
•moves around ALOT
•grabs your thigh

Devyn-  •groans
•kisses on your boobs
•very flirty

Tara- •sticks her hand in your pants
•bites your lips while u kiss

I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable by saying 'pussy' so I just put 😺 instead 😂😂😂😂

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