Part 1

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The three broomsticks was dark and not many people remained. The cafe was solely lit by candles now as it was now dark outside.

"Mione," Draco complained from across the table. "Can we go."

I peeked over the edge of my book and stared at the blonde haired boy in front of me. I gave him a small smile just to humour him and returned to reading.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him reach up and pull the book out of my hands and place it carefully on the table.

The soft lighting of the cafe made Draco's intense stare a lot less threatening and very sexy.

"What?" I asked laughing a little. A full minute had passed and Draco's eyes hadn't left me.

"You're biting your lip," he noted.

I stopped immediately. I didn't realize I was doing it.

"It's hot," he continued, "but I'd rather bite it myself."

I blushed, fuck he was sexy.

"We should get back to school." I said, grabbing my book and standing up.

Draco took me around the waist and pulled me into his lap. He kissed me deeply and pulled back whispering into my ear. "Slytherin common room 9:00. Just meet me outside."

I nodded and got up, "see you later."

The door to the three broomsticks swung open. "I found her Harry!"

Ron stood in front of me covered in snow. Harry dashed in after him. They look liked someone buried them under the ice. They stood their shaking, their teeth chattering until Harry spotted Malfoy behind me.

Harry whipped out his wand pointing it at him. "Did you put them up to it?"

I pulled my wand out too and stepped between Draco and Harry. "What the hell happened?"

Ron spoke up. "What happened is Crabb and Goyle jumped us and pushed us into a snowbank! And now Scabbers is all wet."

Ron pulled his rat from his pocket. And I couldn't help but laugh. "You guys got beat by Crabb and Goyle!?"

Draco stood up, "for your information I haven't seen those dimwits all day."

I smiled, I loved the way his voice got when he was annoyed.

" I'll see you in class Potter. You too Granger." He completely ignored Ron.

When Draco got the door he looked and me and gave me a wink. And I rolled my eyes back. Trying to make our flirting subtle.

Then I turned on my dimwits. "What were you two knuckleheads thinking, someone could've gotten hurt. You can't threaten people with magic every time you're mad at them! God!"

I turned on my heel and walked out of the cafe. The boys trailing behind me. 

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