°•The New Kid•°

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Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy the first chapter..thanks


Tom groaned as his grip tightened on the bright blue bed sheet, he pulled himself up, his hair falling towards the bed. He turned over and sat on the bed the warm air on his bare chest waking him up, he reached up and ruffled his hair sliding it back out of his face. "What time is it?"

He asked himself and looked over at the black clock '6:35' it read in bright red neon numbers, he sighed and got up. He slowly got ready and put on a white button up, a blue sweater vest, and a checkered tie. Tom walked downstairs, his black eyes glancing over at the kitchen seeing his dad sitting there with a newspaper and his mother making pancakes.
His mother looked back and saw Tom standing there at the bottom of the stairs bent over tying his checkered converses "Thomas, Would you like any breakfast?" his mother questioned

His dad looked up at him and groaned under his breath, looking backdown at his paper. Tom stood up straight and shook his head "no thanks Mom I'm uh good.. i don't wanna be late for the bus.."

His mom sighed and nodded her head "alright..be careful sweetheart love you."

Tom smiled and walked out the door. A sudden wind blew on his face making him chill, it was late fall and the winter was only beginning to approach, he looked down at the stairs and walked on down them, concrete crunching beneath his shoes. Leaves rolled on the ground, wind rushing them to their new destination. Tom hated the fall.. it was cold and wet. All life was dying and the air shortens, almost choking anyone who dared to breathe in it's dreary presence. He walked down to the bus stop his black eyes not leaving the side walk. His bag made his back and shoulders sore, he sighed and took out his phone, leaning back onto a pole near the where the bus stopped. Fall break had ended so soon, it was only a week and a half but it felt like three days.. probably from Tom sleeping all the time. His eyes look around the world, his eye catches a tall boy with a red vest on his outfit was the same as his but more, red. Toms head lifted up and studied him, the red male had a bag over one shoulder, his structure was bold, big, muscular, intimidating. Toms chest tightened at the thought of how just his body made him shiver and shake. The male looked up,toms eyes widened as he their eyes met. One eye was red like a red ocean crashing against the shore wanting drag any victim to look into to the depths of it's sea. The other eye was stone cold gray, as if his eye was a gray storm, it's lighting roaring at constant times of the night. "Hey weirdo, can you stop staring."

Tom shook his head and looked down, his hands squeezed his phone. "Sorry. Just uh, you must be the new neighbor down the r-road huh?"

The male smirked and nodded his head once "yeah..my family moved here from Norway. I've been here since summer..just had to move in."

Tom still couldn't take his eyes from his. It was so weird seeing another person with odd eyes.

"Yeah, I get it moving that far must really suck."

"Mm. Yeah it can."

The bus started to appear above the hill down the road, it slowed down and came to a stop, its doors opening. To some it would be welcoming doors, to take you to your wanted location. But to Thomas, it was like the gates of hell opening wide to take him to his nightmare. Tom walked onto the bus looking around for an open seat, bingo! There was onewith no one in the back of the bus. Tom walked past everyone, trying desperately to not let the smell of perfume, gym clothes, and sweaty kids knock him out. He sat at the window placing his bag beside him and putting his blue ear buds into his ears letting music drift him away.

The bus soon arrived to the school grounds, it's slow stop alerted Tom that the ride was at it's end. He looked out the window seeing his two best friends sitting on the stairs outside the large school, a small unnoticeable smile creeped onto his face, his friends were probably the only thing he needed the most right now. He got off the bus and his friends look over "oh Tom!" They cheer

Tom walked over and sat beside them, taking out his sketch book "hi edd, how's your brother been?"

Edd chuckled "he finally got his project done. Took him long enough"

Tom chuckled along and started drawing waves and big clouds, his mind still couldn't stop thinking of that boys eyes. It made him feel something he didn't understand, but what could it be?! Edd looked over at Tom, looking down he saw the drawing and gasped lightly "Tom that looks so good!"

Tom flinched and covered his drawing "uh thanks.. just doing some uh vent drawing is all."

Edd looked at Thomas a little puzzled "vent? What's there to vent about?"

Tom looked down at the drawing and sighed looking up at the people bunching into groups talking and gossiping about who did this and did you see this. He felt his stomach  knot up. "There's a new guy who lives down the street, he's big and his eyes are red and gray..I looked at them and its like I can't stop thinking about how they almost drowned me.. it was so weird."

Edd and Matt look a little surprised "wait what? There's a new kid?!" Matt said, he's the quiet type. Only talks when he has too and stuff, he was actually just on his phone watching some beauty guru shit.

Tom nodded and looked at them "yeah I didn't catch his name though, he moved here from Norway I think.."

Edd and Matt look at each other then back at Tom, "Norway? That's pretty far dude."

Tom hummed in agreement,
"RIIIIINGGG" the school bell rang loud, alerting the students that classes are to start in five minutes, edd Tom and Matt stand up walking in their small group. Matt is first to go them edd and last was Tom, he walked to his classroom and grabbed the door non but before entering he let out a Shakey sigh and walked in.  "Eyes..watching you, be careful Thomas. "

Tom breathed in and walked to an empty seat in the back over by the window, a girl giggled mockingly and passed him a note, her pink nails caught toms attention, they were pink with roses growing up the middle. He looks down at the note and growls grabbing it and crushing it. He waits for the bitch to turn around for more gossip, he throws the small paper into her hair, She gasps and takes it out,she turns around to see Tom turned away and looking out the window. She growls and turns around, Toms smile disappears as he see the fall leaves start to fall, he hated this season, he really hated it.
The teacher taps her fingers against the desk looking around. "Ok class, today we will be introducing a new student, please be welcoming." Toms head perks as he looks over and sees the tall man start walking down to the teacher. His mouth waters, his chest tightens, and his stomach starts knotting. Why the hell is happening?!
(It's da gay)

"Hello. My name is tord and I'm from Norway.."

'hes really ' Tom thought. Tom looked into his eyes almost losing himself again, those eyes were drawing him in, like a trap.
(Anime tord just like busts down the door.)Tom watches him walk back up to his seat, tord looks over at him and smirks. Tom flinched from surprise, 'Did he know I was looking?!' Tom panicked in his head.

Tord looks down at the teacher as if he knew all along, the stares at the bus the feelings the way Tom looked into his eyes, it scared him. It scared Tom that he might know, or maybe he just...was smiling friendly and it's all just in toms head, yeah.
The teacher started talking about world war 1 and how the government works and blah blah blah. "The first war started because the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914" the teacher said writing it on the board

Some kids took notes others fell asleep but Tom just looked out the window, there he saw a small bird land on the window seal. He smiled and waved at the bird, it chirped and flew away. Flew..
Tom sighed and looked down at his desk, his black eyes went dull as he thought of flying away...one thought threaded to another, the feeling of hopelessness started to choke him.
Flash backs and feelings, he started to tear up. The drip from his eye onto his paper alerted him, he rose up and with a single of swipe of his thumb he rubbed of the tear from his eye. Tom looked up and saw that class was almost over, he sighed in relief  "Rinngggg"

The bell rang loudly making Thomas flinch a little, he got up picking up his books, he felt a hand touch his shoulder, he jumped and turned around seeing the man..or uh tord standing there smiling "hey..I saw you looking at me, do you have question?"

Tom noticed his thick accent, must have not noticed it before. "Uh...n-no I just uh..have a habit of staring. Sorry about that.." Tom looked up at him eyes and down to his books.

"Would you like to walk home?"

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