17:Fresh Turkey.

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I wake up the next morning to here knocking on the door.
"Let me out."I hear Vinnie say.
"I can't."I reply.
"Why."He asks.
"Cause you haven't gone cold turkey yet."I say leaning on the door.
"I didn't mean to relapse."He replies and I hear him slide down the door.
"I know baby."I reply.
Jordan shows me the video feed and he started to go cold turkey.
He was sweating and fidgeting.
Within minutes all that was left of his clothing were his boxers.
"He is actually fit isn't he?Like I'm still a lesbian but I get what you see."Alex says.
Jordan and I both look at her.
She shuts up.
"Just leave him for the night."Jordan says.
We go to bed I wake up the next morning to silence.
We looked on the feed and he was asleep.
"It is complete."She smiles.
"Can I go in now?" I ask.
"Wait for him to wake up so we can definitely see."She replies.
1 hour later.
"Jamie."Vinnie says knocking on the door.
"Yeah?"I reply.
"Can I have food"He says.
"Yeah,I advise you shower."I reply.
"Okay."He says.
"He's up and wants food."I say to Jordan.
"Okay go in then"she says.
I make toast and go in.
He came out the shower as I walked in.
"Fuck me it smells in here."I chuckle.
"I don't though."he smiles and takes some of the toast.
"Uh huh I need to change the bed."I reply.
"I'm sorry about everything."he says.
"Its okay just please don't do that again."I reply and put the toast down.
I hug him.
"I love you."I say looking up at him.
"I love you too beautiful."He smiles.
Jordan comes in.
"Are we sober now?"She says.
"Yeah I'm sorry."He replies to her his eyes baggy from lack of sleep.
"Just don't do it again,this is the last time I'll go through this with you."Jordan says and leaves.
"At least your sober for your birthday tomorrow."I say trying to make light of what Jordan said.
"I guess."He replies.
"What's up."I ask.
"I feel really bad."He replies putting his top on.
"Don't okay?"I say looking in my bank account.
"What're you doing?"He chuckles noticing the face I pulled.
"NOTHING!"I say and run.
Alex laughed at the way I ran in and sat on the chair.
"What was that?"She laughs.
"He nearly saw what I got him for his birthday."I reply.
"You spent £20,000?"Alex says looking at my phone.
"It's a garage cause I know he likes cars and he won't get many jobs like that with his record so I thought he could start a business."I reply.
"Thoughtful,I spent £30."Alex replies with her eyebrows raised.
"Im rich and I don't want the money so I'll just spend it on him instead."I say smirking.
"Why don't you want it?"she asks.
"Ive got £564,982 to my name,I dont need it,Ill just put money into the business for him,I only spend money and on clothes and food,I don't pay anything for my car or this apartment."I say.
"Cushy."She chuckles.
"I have no independence."I reply.
"I barely got her anything I can't afford it."Alex says.
"What did you wanna get her?"I ask.
"She's always complaining about her phone not working."Alex says.
"I got her one of them coats she keeps freaking over."I chuckle.
"All I got is fucking perfume."Alex says.
"Okay come on were going out."I say dragging her.
"WERE GOING SHOPPING BYE!"I shout and we go to the Trafford centre.
"Okay were going to apple to get her a phone then somewhere else."I say virtually dragging Alex against her will.
"Which one I say holding my credit card."I ask.
"I don't know."Alex says.
"Okay the new iPhone 7 then"I and pay for it once we were given it I also bought a smart watch and an iPhone 7 for myself.
"I'm taking Vinnie to a hotel,You have the house to yourselves."I say.

"I say

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"I don't know what to do with that information

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"I don't know what to do with that information."Alex replies and I just look at her.
"Dude I thought you had more confidence than me?"I say.
"I don't, I don't know how to do romance."She replies.
"Okay come with me"I say dragging her again.
I drag her into  Victoria's secret.
"Okay I don't know what Jordan likes when it comes to all that cause we don't talk about it,choose summit,give her a good night."I say to her.
"I guess"She replies.
I let her wander off in the shop I found stuff for myself,or for Vinnie I don't know who'd enjoy it more.
We meet up at the pay desk and I pay for it all.
"Okay you ready to go home."I say.
"I'm hungry."She says.
"We'll grab McDonald's."I say.
"Okay,you didn't have to do this for me."She says.
"Yeah I did cause Jordans important to me and cause your her girlfriend that makes you important too."I say and hug her.
"Thanks"she says.
"No problem,now let's get McDonald's."I reply and drag her to to the car.
We grab food and drive back and run in with all the bags and hide them in my bedroom.
Jordan and Vinnie were in the kitchen.
Once we had hid them we went back out and they both stared at us.

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