29:I will never forgive you.

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February 12th,me and Jamie had been together for three years today,we had moved into our own apartment,well ish we had Alex living with us still,I refused to let Jordan stay,Jamie had forgiven her easily but I hadn't.
"Hey"Jamie says snapping me out of my trance,"Happy 3 years."she continues chuckling,"Best three years of my life."I smile and kiss her.
We had continued our lives despite nearly loosing Jamie that day,Jordan was dating Johnny like she always wanted and Alex was still trying to find her soul mate,I had mine at my side,"I love you so so much."She says,A tear runs down my face and she wipes it away,"I promise you,That'll never happen again okay?As long as I have you and Alex at my side."She says,"I know,I love you too."She smiles,We had moved into a bigger apartment so we had the space for us three,We were celebrating Christmas late due to my mother funeral so we were doing it today.
"Let's go and celebrate Christmas for your mam."She says and kisses me.
I get up and put shorts and a t shirt on and she steals one of my t shirt,Alex was stood cooking.
Jamie's PoV:
"What're you doing?"I ask and smile,"You do enough for me so I'll make the dinner for us all,you just worry about the family okay?"She says and I hug her,"Jordan was so fucking lucky."I chuckle,"Yeah she was."Alex says and continues cooking.
I got dressed and my mum arrived,with Danni,we had still barely spoken in that 3 years,I was on better terms with Johnny and that's saying something,"Hey."I say,"Hi"Danni replies awkwardly,"¡Detén este infantilismo por el amor de Dios!"My mum says flicking us both in the head, (stop this childishness for fuck sake!)
"¡Mamá!"me and Danni both yell.
"Finalmente soy el buen niño."Johnny chuckles walking in with Jordan, (finally I'm the good child.)
"You wish you were."Danni says,"You two sort it out."My mum says and walks past me,"I'm sorry."Danni says and I just raise my eyebrows,"Where were you when I was in a coma?You just let me fill with more guilt you know?"I reply shaking my head,"I'm sorry okay?"She begs,"I'm not ready to forgive you but I'll tolerate you."I reply and sit down next to Vinnie."are you four gonna sort it out?"Johnny says.I look at Alex and Vinnie then Jordan,"I think we need to do separately"Vinnie says,"Come with me."I say to Jordan and we go into mine and Vinnies room,"I'm sorry."She says,"So am I."I reply,"You didn't know what you were doing,I'm didn't even care I was just pretending because of Alex I didn't wanna break her."She replies."so all that time you and Johnny were?"I ask,"Yeah I was just ashamed to admit it,I really fucking miss her I just,I don't know how to deal with it."She replies and I sit down."Well if you dump Johnny,He'll cause world war 3 so you've outdone yourself with that one."I say and she sits next to me."I don't want Alex to hate me,I still love her,I was being selfish,Everyone was calling me out for being a lesbian and I hated it."She says a tear running down her face,"Have an affair."I chuckle joking,"That would work but if Johnny knew he'd rat me and Alex out for the murder."She says,"I was Joking reply,"you can't just lead him on no matter how much of an asshole"I reply."I know,I just,I miss her Jamie"She says,"Who's to say she feels the same?"I say looking at Jordan,"maybe she found someone continue,"I love her."Jordan Replies,"you need to make things right with her."I say and walk out.
Alex's PoV:
I walk in and close the door,"What?"I say to her and she looks up at me,"I'm sorry for cheating and lying and overreacting."She says,"I barely forgive you."I reply drinking my beer,"I love you and I miss you."she says,"Do you think I'm stupid?"I say putting the beer down and she stands up,"No,I'm serious?I'm know I'm with him now but it's always you,everything I do with him I wish it was you."She says her hand on my cheek.
The tension built in the room quickly.
Within seconds our lips crashed together,she kissed me and pushed me onto the bed,"since when were you the dominant one."I say smirking,"Since I realised I just really don't like dick."She chuckles and kisses me again.
Jamies PoV:
"What're they doing?"Johnny says to me,"Talking why?"I ask sitting down next to him,"She's been gone for ages."He says his jaw twitching,"Stop being protective you insensitive asshole."I say,"sorry."He says I widen my eyes,"Did you just apologise?"I laugh in shock,"shut up asshat."He replies and pushes me,"and we're back."I say,"Babe?"Vinnie says at the front door,"Hmmmm"I reply,"come with me."he smiles and leads me up the top of the building,it was snowing,"I love you."I chuckle,"about that"He says getting down on one knee,"Jamie Reed will you marry me?"He smiles,I cry smiling,"Yes!"I laugh still crying and run and hug him,"I love you so fucking much"I shout crying,"I love you too"He says and I feel him laugh.

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