Chapter 3

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L: Dun dun dun! oh wait, you don't know what happens yet! oops! Chapter three everyone! *applause*
Song for this Chapter-- It is Love by Hellogoodbye (cuz I was listening to it while writing this chap!)
Enjoy! Comment! Vote!


*Oliver POV*

  I flinch, closing my eyes to take the blow but, it never comes. I open my eyes slowly when I realize he's hesitated. His eyes aren't on me. They are staring down at my chest. A soft red glow is eminating from just above my heart. But...that's not right. That should only happen if my one true love was near or something. I never beloved that the serum actually worked. Like I'm supposed to believe shit like this just happens?

  But wait...the heart of my soul mate should be glowing the same color.. and the only one near enough is-

My head snaps up and my eyes land on Nick's chest. A soft, dull glow was showing through his shirt. I couldn't  make my eyes meet his. No way...No Fucking way. Nick?! Nick and I soul mates?! What kind of sick joke is this? I could tell he was thinking the same thing because he took a step back, giving me room to leave. I was shocked... shouldn't he at least land a good punch? Wouldn't he normally shove and kick me, putting blame on me? This wasn't like just let me leave. I made a break for the door.

  Heart racing and a little more than confused, I ran as fast as I could out into the school parking lot. I have a car, but my keys were dropped somewhere in the locker room, and I was not going back to get them. I keep running, turning down familiar streets and taking a few short cuts through parking lots and over people's fences. I continue at full speed, using my momentum to push myself to the limit, not stopping until I hit my bed. It was four hours before anyone would be home. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

  Hardly anyone found their soul mate. The serum we're given as infants is supposed to allow our hearts to glow whenever we are in the presence of the person we are meant to be with. But...Nick? Why him? Why did I have to be fated with the jerk that always bullied me? What does he even think about this?

  Maybe he...No. No. There is no way he has feelings for me. No effing way. I sit up with a groan, deciding that a hot shower might be able to calm me down. I could scrub away my worries and let the world slip away for a few moments. I always like to shower when I'm stressed. That and car rides. My parents used to tell me that when I was a lot younger, I had trouble sleeping so they would  put me in the car until the bouncing of the ride lulled me to sleep.

  I turn up the shower, letting the hard force of the hot water pound against my back. I think back to what had happened.

Maybe it was a fluke. I'm sure that happens, right?


  There has never been a report of the serum choosing the wrong soulmate. There have been those that never found them, but there's never been a false glow.

  Seriously though, universe, Nick? I'm not even gay!

  I groan, smacking my head against the wall. The steam is making it hard to breathe, so I shut the water off and wrap a towel around my waist. I throw on a pair of grey Joggers and a t-shirt once I'm back in my room and flop onto my bed.

  This cannot be happeneing.

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