Chapter 13

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Every heart sings a song incomplete until another heart whispers back- Plato.

Athena's POV.

I felt my body contract as he looked down at me quizzically.

"Agape mou, this is Elizabeth." He said continuing on with the introduction as she stared at us in open shock as if only now seeing me, "You will be able to find her in the local newspaper along the WANTED section."

Quickly recovering her-self just in time to playfully roll her well-made eyes at his dig, her arms came around me in a friendly hug as her floral scent danced along my senses.

"You are very beautiful Athena." She said earnestly as her friendly eyes radiated warmth and laughter.

It only made me feel guiltier on the inside.

"...I had no idea that Nico was seeing anyone." She continued on, "Eve never mentioned anything either but I am so happy for you."

"Even though I am positive she knows already, do you mind not telling her...I want to do it myself." He replied.

"Of course." She stated, "When are you leaving for Italy?"

"In a few days you need a ride?" He asked

A ride?

Why did he make it sound like he was driving an actual car?

"No thank you." She declined and for a reason beyond my thought, her response should not have eased the weight on my heart, "Jade, Char and I are leaving the following day to prepare for the auction, but are you coming along Athena?"

Her question caught me off guard.

Why would I go to Italy? Even though my heart had always desired too visit one day.

"Of course she is." Nico replied for me.

"Well I shall see you there." She beamed, "But I must run along now."

Placing a goodbye peck against her cheeks once again and a final wave she was off on a flutter.

"Are you okay?" He questioned as the silence continued whilst we strolled along the crowds of people.

"Fine." I commented.

Exhaling a loud sigh, he halted our pace as a look of concern flashed through his remarkable features. As he was about to speak, his cellphone once more rang as his frustration became audible.

"Excuse me for a moment." He said to me as he barked into the electrical devise making me jump.

"...fucking hell!" He swore violently as a few passers-byes paused for a brief moment alarmed.


"Have Mia schedule the meeting...I'll be there right away." Ending the call, he typed a quick message before placing the cellphone back into his pockets.

"Henri will be here in a minute with the vehicle." He said addressing me, "I have to hold an impromptu meeting and then I'll be home hopefully soon. You should rest by the time."

"Sure." I replied still out of depth with my emotions.

If he noticed, he did not comment.

Right on time, Henri arrived and we made the quiet journey to drop Nico off at the office all the time with him reportedly doing damage control and swearing from time to time in both English and Greek as he blew up a storm on his phone.

As much as I wanted to comfort him from his apparent distress, I wanted to comfort myself also.

And for once I had decided that I would.

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