Chapter 2: The Rebel and the Butterfly

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Y/n P.O.V.

I was walking down the footpath in the park when I noticed a girl around my age crying.

Me: Hey are you alright?

She looks up at me and shakes her head.

Me: Tell me about it?

???: Well I realised the guy I liked for years never felt the same way for me.

???: 2: Yo Dextra, we're going.

Before he could grab her, I grabbed his arm.

??? 2: Oi kid let go or something-

Before he could finish I kneed him in the gut. He crouch's over then stands straight again

??? 2: Your asking for it kid.

Me: Oh I know I am and just to show how serious I am.

I pulled at my duel disk.

Me: We'll duel.

??? 2: Are you sure you want to do this punk?

Me: Shut up and get ready.

??? 2: Gr.. Fine get ready to lose.

Me/??? 2: Duel!

I look up to see his name and it said his name was Nistro.

Me: I'll allow you to go first.

Nistro: Fine, I draw! First I summon Heroic Challenger Thousand Blades!

Heroic Challenger Thousand Blades Atk 1300.

Nistro: I then activate his effect. By discarding Heroic Challenger Assault Halberd, I can special summon Heroic Challenger Extra Sword!

Heroic Challenger Extra Sword Atk 1000.

Nistro: I now overlay Thousand Blades with Extra Sword! With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network! I XYZ summon Heroic Challenger Excalibur!

Heroic Challenger Excalibur Atk 2000.

Nistro: I then activate his effect, by using both of Excalibur Overlay units, it's Atk points double till my next turn. With that I end my turn.

Excalibur Atk 4000.

Nistro: Since Excalibur was summoned using Extra Sword, it gains 1000 Atk.

Excalibur Atk 5000.

Me: My turn I draw! First off I'll be setting one card. But I immediately activate it.

Nistro: You can't do that!

Me: Yes I can, cuz you see if I have no traps in my graveyard I can activate when I set it and it appears as a lvl 4 Warrior/Dark type monster.

The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigand Atk 0.

Nistro: That can do nothing against Excalibur's 5000 Atk.

Me: Then I normal summon The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor!

The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor Atk 1000.

Dextra: Two lvl 4's.

Me: With these two monster I build the Overlay Network! Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

Me: With these two monster I build the Overlay Network! Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

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