~19~ We Are Broken

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A/N Sorry it's taken me some time to update this book. I have also been working on a Shazam Billy Batson book in the background which is why I haven't updated this book since today. But I just want to say that I'm thankful for your support and three hundred reads! Your support always means the world to me and I'm glad people are actually liking this book! :D Anyway, this will continue updates as well as other books I will be putting up that are unrelated. Thanks for understanding~!

It's been two days since the group split apart. The first day, me and Bill sat at his dining room table in silence. It was nice, for a couple of moments of thinking. The second day, he slept in the spare bed of my treehouse. He went to sleep before I did, he was really upset so I stayed awake to make sure he was okay. He looked so nice and peacefully asleep, it was...sweet.

Today is the third day. I've seen Bev, Stan, and mainly Rich around. Rich would glare. Stan would be sad and distressed. Bev would be guilty. Those are the looks they would give as nothing more to their actions.

This. Fucking. Sucks.

I look over at Bill who sits silently, with his sketch pad. This is an image of Georgie this time. He looks really tired today. Not even bothered to go out of the house it seems.


He looks up at me and pauses. I decide to get up from where he's lying and sit beside him on the bed.

"We should probably go out today. For some fresh air." I tell him.

"I dunno..." He mumbles.

I let out a sigh, a hand on his shoulder.

"You c-c-can if you...waaant to..." He tells me.

"It would be boring without you." I say to him.

He stays silent for a moment, so I decide to poke him. "Hey..."

"I don't want you moping the whole time until something changes on its own. I think it'll be a good idea if we both go outside, at least for an hour or two. Please, Bill?"

He lets out a childish groan before getting out of his bed.

"What-what are we even g-g-gonna do?"

"Well, first of all. Let's just get some fresh air. Maybe go for a walk. Find a place to chill out."

Bill nods his head and he takes my hand in his. I blush and he glances at me.

"Okay, let's go."

* * *

Me and Bill walk hand in hand out in the fresh air. Nothing too strange has happened. Bill and I have small talk, sometimes speaking about how the group is split. I don't completely ignore it to prevent Bill from feeling like I'm not caring. I do, but there isn't much that we can do.

"Hey, wanna get ice-cream?" I ask him.

He turns to me confused but quickly understands the question. "Actually, yeah. I would like to."

I smile at him and he smiles back. Me and Bill look both ways, before crossing the road.

In the meantime, I see Richie and Stanley on the other side. They don't even notice us, having their own conversation. Things have really fallen down, I was hoping we would all be good friends.

I hear Bill sigh and I turn to him. "L-Let's just k-k-keep..goooing."

He squeezes my hand and I squeeze as we keep walking. I want to turn my head back to look at them. Hell, even try to talk to them. But I know I can't. I know it won't be a good idea. The friendship is so broken. 

We finally arrive to the Ice-Cream store and Bill seems to have calmed down a bit more so he smiles at me. It's good to see a smile on his gentle face.

"Heya kids. What do ya want?" The man up front asks.

"I-I'll have a v-vanilla ice-cream. Please." Bill stutters.

"And I'll have [Fav-IceCream]."

The man nods and turns around to get some ice-cream ready. In the meantime, I pull my wallet out to pay for the ice-cream.

"I-I can pay."

I turn to Bill who seems to have money in his hands. I narrow my eyes at him playfully and put my hand on his which he blushes. I push his hand down so he's lowered the money.

"Maybe next time, Bill. Today, anything we'll pay for is on me. I just wanna cheer you up."

He gives me a thankful smile as the ice-cream comes up to us. I pay and we gratefully take it in our hands, before saying goodbye to the man.

"So, wh-what now?"

I hesitate, my face slowly falling as I don't answer. Henry and his goons are in the distance, and they haven't seen us yet. But it seems like they're making their way over to either us or the ice-cream.



We hold our ice-cream in hand as I grab his wrist and tug him off to the side. We quickly run off down an alleyway, quite a deep one if I'm not lying. I peer out it and so does Bill. It seems they're at the ice-cream guy.

I turn back to Bill. "L-L-Let's juuuuust g-go down the rrrrest of the alleyway."

I nod my head. "Sounds fair."

I put my hand on his cheek and give him a quick kiss, which ends up being a bit longer as he holds my hand.

"Two love birds sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G."

We pull apart almost instantly, our hearts dropping. That voice...That...clown.

"You think Georgie would like the treehouse, Bill?"

I turn one hundred and eighty degrees around, and feel chills run down my spine. The Clown sits up in the corner of one of the alleyway walls. Bill instantly grabs my hand as the clown's jaw drops, crooked like it's broken.

He lets out a howl of laughter which gets me and Bill both to scream. We run off down the alleyway, our ice-cream kind of crushing itself on the way. We hear pounding footsteps behind us as it seems like the alleyway goes on forever.

Just as we run out, we bump into someone and the two of us let out a yelp, grunting as we fall to the floor.


"Eddie?" I ask.

He groans, rubbing his arm before turning to us. Me and Bill glance over at the alleyway. The clown is gone. I sigh.

"Sorry, Eddie."

He also sighs. "I heard the group isn't really friends anymore."

"From Ri-Richie?" Bill asks.

Eddie nods his head. "I'm sorry guys. I was gonna go meet up with Richie and Stanley."

"Th-that's okay. Bye Ed-Eddie."

"See ya later, Bill." Eddie stands up and collects his bag before walking off.

I see Bill get up so I do the same and rub the back of my neck. "That's not gonna get old."

"N-no. Not re-really." He shakes his head.

We glance at the broken ice cream and I lower my head. "That sucked."

"Hey, Y/n?"

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"Do-don't worry about the i-i-ice cream. Can we j-just walk ar-around? And ta-talk?"

I give him a warm smile. "Sure. Wanna lead or should I?"

"You can follow me." He steps toward me nervously. His hand slips into mine and I blush. I give him a quick peck on the cheek which he smiles, before the two of us begin to walk off.

!!Updates will still go up!!


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