~24~ Fear

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Y/n's POV

"Welcome to the Losers Club, asshole!" Richie screams and swings the bat as the clown lets me and Bill go from the grip. I let out a cough, holding my throat as the clown gets smacked in the face.

Bill quickly pulls me to my feet and I wince in pain. The pain in my leg hurts like fuck but I quickly run off, sweep up a crowbar and turn on my heels. Mike grunts and attempts to whack the clown with his weapon. However, he opens his mouth and grabs the weapon with some tentacles which Mike begins to struggle. I let out a scream and whack the crowbar into his crotch which the clown grunts and backs up. Beverly shrieks and stab the spear in his arm, takes it out again and stabs it in his knee.

Stanley whacks Pennywise and changes into Stan's fear, that woman.

"Stan! Watch out!" I call out.

Stan wails out a scream and whacks Pennywise sideways, making his face shift back to normal from that woman as the clown grunts. Each and every one of us have a weapon as we smack him to the ground. Make rolls over and Pennywise gets these claw tentacle-like stabby arms.


He quickly rolls away and dodging the clown's attacks as the clown laughs. I quickly swing the crowbar at the back of his head and he turns around to me in an instant. He laughs at me but I don't fear it.

Suddenly, four dogs run up to me. Rapid with white foam coming out their mouths and their eyes bloodshot. I scream and whack the dogs away and out of sight, all four of them and I take a sharp breath in.

"KILL HIM!" Eddie screams. Ben runs up to him and stabs him through the chest as Pennywise howls, screaming red blood floating into the air.

We all keep hitting him, throwing him around just as he gets on the floor. Bill and Stanley beside me, we scream as we circle him, hitting him as he's on all fours. He suddenly starts coughing and gagging and I see Eddie's head turn around.


I try to shove him out the way but Pennywise instantly gags, on both of us. I cough, spitting out some black stuff. It takes a moment to register but we both look at each other with anger in our eyes as it soaks into our clothes and it's all cold, sticky, and gross. Bill looks at us in shock but this mess doesn't faze Eddie anymore.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Eddie screams and kicks him over.

Pennywise grunts and rolls over, showing Beverly's Father's face. We all pause. Bev pauses as her father smiles. "Hey, Bevvie. Are you still my little-"


She stabs the pipe right in his throat which startles us and he screams, choking on the pole. It slowly changes back into Pennywise's face and she backs up right into me.

Pennywise spits out the rest of the pole like it was nothing but I can tell he's getting weaker as he shows his own fear in his eyes. Because he cannot feed on our own. "Oh, shit!"

Bill grabs me hand as Pennywise begins stumbling back and despite how disgusting I am, laces his fingers with mine. We inch closer to him ever so closer and crowd him as he continues to back up, groaning and backing away with his own fear.

He grunts maniacally before breathing in loudly, gasping for air. Bill and I stand in front, hands laced in with each other. He looks at me, smirks with pride then turns back to the clown.

It chuckles, shaking his head back and forth but his glowing yellow eyes have turned dull.

"That's why you didn't kill Beverly, or Y/n." Bill says.

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