The Ring

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I woke up, turned off my alarm, then started to get ready for school
30 Minutes Later...
I went downstairs and sat down to eat
"Goodmorning Sarah." My Mom said as she placed eggs and bacon at the table "Are you excited for your first semester?" She asked looking at me weirdly "Yeah a little..." I said as I started to eat "Don't worry dear, don't be affected by those bullies." "It's hard." "Just focus on your grades and you'll be fine." She said as she sat down to eat as well
15 Minutes Later...
I ate my food then said goodbye to my Mom "Bye Mom!" I said as I waved goodbye "Bye Sweetie good luck!" She said as I closed the door
"Hey, Sarah!" Kara said as she ran up to me and hugged me "Its been a long time huh?" "Mhm, So how are you?" "I'm doing fine." "We better get going to class before the be—" RINNGGG
"Yeah, that." We ran to find our first class then I bumped into someone "Watch where your going nerd!" A guy said looking at me annoyed that I bumped into him "I'm sorry..." "Get out of the way!" He pushed me and walked away "Stupid jocks..." I rushed to my first class then sat down "Oh we have the same class!" Kara said as she showed her classes "That's great!" "Keep your voices down." The teacher said as he was pointing at both of us "Sorry sir..."
"So what class do you have next?" Kara said as we walked out the door "Let me check
"I have Math class." "Oh...I have English class." "Oh, I'll see you after class then!" "Okay then, byeee!" Kara said as she went to her class
"Hi..." Just then a guy starts talking to me "Uhm...Hello?" "My name is Kenshi Takahashi." He said as he raised his hand to handshake "I'm Sarah Yamasaki." "I'm guessing you are half Japanese?" "Yeah, I am..How'd you know?" "Your name of course." "I'm guessing you are also Japanese?" "Yeah, I am I just transferred here..." "Oh..." "Would you mind meeting up once our classes are done?" "What is your next class?" "Math." "My class is math too." "Really then let's go then." He said as he fixed his hair "Hey, Kenshi?" "Yeah?" "Why are you talking to me?" "Well, you look like a nice person and also you're pretty cute..." He said as he scratches his head "Oh uhhh..." "Sorry I shouldn't have said that..." He said as he looked embarrassed "It's fine, it's just weird since nobody really talks to me..." "Really? Why?" "They say I'm a creep and ugly." "What? No, you don't." "Well, that is your opinion, not their's." "We should probably get going..." RIINNGGGG "We better hurry." We both went to class then sat down and after a few more classes the day ended
"Wait up Sarah!" Kara said as she tried to keep up "You are way too fast..." She said as she gasped for air "Hehe sorry..." "Hey, Sarah?.." I looked behind me and Kenshi was standing there "Oh, hi Kenshi..." "I know we just met but can I take you out tomorrow?" "What?!" Kara said as she was shocked at what Kenshi said
"M-me?" I questioned him calmly and shyly
"Yeah, you..." "I uhh..." "Can we talk?" Kara says to Kenshi "Sure." Kara pulls me away and tells me "Did you put a spell on him?" "What do you mean?" "He is soo cute and handsome why is he asking you out?" "Maybe he is just nice?" "No way, look at yourself no offense." "Offence taken Kara." "You know I'm just joking but you should definitely accept." "You sure?" "There are only a few nice guys out there this may be your chance to get a guy friend." "Well..." I looked at Kenshi still sitting at the bench "I'll give it a try..." "EEKK good decision now you better tell him before he leaves." I walked back to Kenshi then told him I accepted his offer "Great! I'll see you later then!" -Wink-
"Did he just?" "Kara doesn't scream." "I'm holding it in now go before I can't handle it anymore." "Uhh okay bye Kara!" I hugged her then ran away.
"What's this?" I saw a ring that has a red gem in it "Maybe this belongs to someone..." I looked around but no one was with me "I'll just take it then..." I picked it up then placed it in my bag
I woke up and got ready
30 Minutes Later...
I ate with my Mom then walked to school
"Hmm..." I looked at the ring that I found yesterday, then I just got the feeling to wear it
"It looks pretty but it's not mine." I looked at the ring one last time before I started to wear it
SWwoOssSHhh "Woah..." I suddenly get dizzy then I faint but I saw someone run to me before I fell "Wait Hello?! Are you okay?!"

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