Chapter 46-What are We?

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When Kairi awoke, she felt someone's hand wrapped tightly around hers. She turned her head and found Zhang Sheng sleeping in a sitting position by her side.

It really wasn't a dream. She had returned to Liu Sect at last.

Her movement caused Zhang Sheng to wake and he instantly greeted her with a smile.
"Are you going to kick me again?" he joked.

"I'm still debating," she replied. He helped her up into a sitting position then walked over to the tray of food that sat on the table. He then handed her the bowl of rice porridge.

"Mei Er and Da Shi Xiong has been very worried. They've been coming in to check on you every hour," Zhang Sheng said.

"Where are they right now?"

"Da shi xiong is handling the lessons and Mei Er is probably cooking you food right now," he replied. She looked down at her bowl but didn't feel hungry at all. She had so many questions.

"Why didn't you tell me anything? I... I said so many horrible things to you," she said feeling extremely guilty. He chuckled and patted her head.

"I don't blame you. I should've been honest with you from the start. It would've saved us many heartache," he said. Kairi suddenly gasped. Her hand reached up to her face and she realized what was wrong.

"You...!" He looked confused at her sudden outburst. "But I'm not...! I don't even look... how did you...?"

She couldn't seem to form a full sentence. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. He then finished her sentences for her.

"You're not Xiao You and you don't even look like her yet I knew who you were. Is that what you wanted to know?"

She could only nod in reply.

"I've known who you were long ago. Remember when your core was sealed?"

"Grandmaster Liu, he told you, didn't he?"

"Correct. Why do you think I've never once called you Xiao You?"

Now that she thought about it, he really never did call her Xiao You.

"Why didn't you say anything?" she asked. Her annoyance with him suddenly grew. He always kept her in the dark whether it was for her own good or not and she hated it.

He sighed as if he was struggling to find the right words.

"I figured you would tell me once you trusted me enough but I guess it didn't go exactly as I planned. My secrets ended up pushing you away instead," he breathed.

"So tell me everything," she retorted. He chuckled and grabbed the bowl of porridge from her hand.
"I'll tell you everything once you eat," he said instead.

That wasn't what she wanted to hear. She pursed her lips and wrapped her arms together in front of her chest.

"I should've known. Keep your secrets. See how things turn out for you in the end," she hissed and looked away. Zhang Sheng grabbed her softly by the chin and turned her head back to face him.

"My secrets don't come cheap. Do you think you can afford it?" he asked slyly.

That womanizer was definitely back. She slapped his hand away and muttered, "That line may work on others but it won't work on me. I'm still mad."

He let out a laugh and it made her only angrier.

"I see you've haven't grown up all that much after ten years," he joked.

She was about to throw back a retort when he suddenly leaned in and captured her lips. It was the strangest feeling as he nipped at her lips. Kairi had always heard that kisses were sweet and she couldn't understand why anyone would describe it like that. She finally understood at this moment. She awkwardly tried to kiss back and eventually let her instincts take over. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed herself closer against him.

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