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"Vincent, I'm going off now."

My coworker and best friend Trevor said while leaning against my desk. I said nothing, continuing to type my assignment that was due today, fingertips tapping furiously away on the keyboard.

"So you're not going to come to my house tonight?" I asked him the question once more, eyes never leaving the computer screen. "How dare you."

"Sorry, Vince." He apologized, his eyes forming crescent moons as he smiled. Somehow I could feel his gaze burning behind my back. I didn't know why, but something about it always made me feel uncomfortable. "Got a date tonight. Steph's been bothering me all day about it."

"Fine then, so you'd ditch your five-year old friend for your five-week old girlfriend, I see how it is!" I huffed, hitting the "Enter" key so hard it seemed like me and it were rivals.

"I'm so, so sorry, Vince! Look, I'll treat you to pizza tomorrow, oka-"

"Sure, one pizza's gonna compensate for an hour long date, okay," I said while sticking out my tongue at him. "That date of yours better turn out fine."

Trevor smiled a small smile, one out of guilt. I noticed the cup of Sprite in his right hand and sighed.

"You're still gonna drink that?" I said, going back to typing.

"You know I can't live without Sprite, Vince." He replied while fumbling with the papers in his left hand. "I really got to go now, pizza tomorrow, yeah? I'm sorry, I really am. I'll buy you two if I can, okay? Okay! Bye!"

And off he went.

I sighed as I submitted my assignment and logged off my computer. To tell the truth, I didn't really like how this friend of mine is so infatuated with his girlfriend, but what can I do? He's so perfect after all.

Trevor was a weird person to me. He's good in everything; good looks, good behaviour, good social skills, not to mention that all-too blinding smile that had sent almost all the coworkers here, women and men alike, to the hospital. Somehow, it didn't affect me. But I do envy him sometimes. He was so perfect, maybe a bit too perfect...

I looked at the wall clock ticking away. Eight-thirty p.m. Just going to go back home and go straight to bed and sleep until next afternoon.

By the time I stepped out of the workplace, night had already covered the once blue sky, and the streets were empty except for a few shops open and some people visible. This was my neighbourhood: small and deserted most of the time.

Since my workplace is close to my home, I go by foot. Although this time I feel like I'm going to collapse to the ground out of fatigue any minute, and my eyelids can barely open. I stumbled around the dark streets, and I eventually got to my housing area.

I turnt past a corner and I saw someone dragging something across the road at the far end. My eyes immediately shot open as I hid behind a corner.

What is this, burglary?

My feet shuffled forward, anxious to know what was happening. I didn't think twice about my actions and just followed the person. The figure seemed to have a hard time dragging whatever that was, as it was moving quite slowly.

The pale moonlight lit up the dragged thing's features. Only then did I saw, in horror, that the thing wasn't a thing. It was a person.

A woman's empty gaze seemed to bore past my soul, her eyes wide open with terror. Her hair, black, matted and in a frenzy, was all over the ground, resembling spiders. Her beautiful white dress she was wearing was splattered with some liquid, some red liquid. I obviously knew what that was, but I've never seen it in real life before. The whole thing in front of me seemed like i was in a movie scene. I felt the urge to vomit.


The person didn't bother to look back at the blood trailing behind the dead woman, as it kept looking forward. However, as it trudged below a lit streetlamp, the figure turned to look at somewhat my direction, but it didn't see me.

But I saw him.

The light illuminated it all. It was a man, with short black hair and a straight posture. He wasn't looking at me, but he was looking at somewhere else, and he was smiling. His eyes formed crescent moons when he did so, and I didn't know why, but although he wasn't staring at me, I could feel an uncomfortable feeling rise up from the pit of my stomach, a feeling I know all too well somehow.

The hairs behind my back stood rigid out of the blue, and I could feel a stare that seemed to penetrate through every solid that was shielding me, seeing through me completely. I've felt that stare before; the first time I've felt it was my first meeting, with him.

I need to get out.

Following that thought, my feet had the urge to run, so I did. I started running, and I didn't stop until I had reached the front of my house. My heart felt like it was beating slowly up my throat, loud and clear like a drum. I didn't have to pass by where that man stood to reach my house, which was a good thing.

Once I reached my door, I fumbled for my keys in a desperate attempt to open the door. I kept looking around in case that person shows up, and the moment the mechanism clicked and my door swung open, I rushed in and swung the door shut.

With my heartbeat thundering so loud it was ringing around my brain, my head swarmed with so many questions I literally just slumped down on the floor in a daze.

Was that murder I witnessed? I thought. More importantly...

Was that Trevor?

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