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Night fell quickly, and with the passing colleagues saying goodbye, soon me and Trevor parted ways too. Although, I still do remember tonight's agreement to meet him up at his house for dinner.

Soon after I was standing in front of my small house, fiddling the brass lock with my string of keys. I had a habit of stringing my keys to my office ID, so if anybody suddenly came up for robbery, it wouldn't be that hard for them to be able to break into my house. Also, the colleagues would sometimes complain about how noisy it was, given they'd jangle around whenever I move.

I didn't really mind. I just liked it like that. The door opened and the pine-scented air enveloped me into its invisible arms.

My house was small; definitely for an only resident. Yet, it was comfortable enough for me, since I didn't really like the fear of thinking I'm not alone. The rooms were all connected, and I maneuvered directly to my bedroom, clean and tidy from this morning's bed-making.

I slumped onto my bed, eager to just hit the sack and snooze until noon. I was always tired, I didn't know why. Perhaps it was due to the coffee amounts I'd usually drink everyday. However I just got up and headed to the bathroom to get a shower.

After all, it'd be bad to reject a friend's invitation.

Whilst getting my hair wet in the shower, I pondered about Trevor's identity. I was beginning to assume that the person I saw yesterday night wasn't Trevor in the first place, and it was just someone that looked like him. He was talking so much about his date with Steph today, definitely normal for someone who had a fun night yesterday, right?

It's not it, Vincent. Get a grip. Why would you accuse your friend?

As the water droplets coated my face momentarily, I let that thought rest.

He's so perfect, after all.

I figured I was thinking too much about Trevor, so I washed up quickly in order to not end up going to his house late because of staring off to the blank area at the corner of the shower for half an hour or so. I got out of the bathroom and picked out a soft woolly striped sweater. Outside at night was known to be pretty cool and chilly in this season of early fall, so I had to get something warm to wear. I didn't have the best immune system around, anyways.

I walked out the door, cold wind harsh slaps across my face as I trudged towards Trevor's house. He also lives in this neighbourhood, so walking to his place was faster and more efficient.

The closer I reach his doorstep, the faster my heart races. I didn't know why, but my thoughts were interrupted by a smiling Trevor who was leaning against the doorframe, his hands folded together to remain warm.

He looked good in a sweater. I figured the reason I've never seen him wear one before was because I'd only see him during workdays, where he would always don a stark white button up along with a stainless white suit. He'd stick out like a sore thumb in a sea of workers dressed in dark colours, and his light skin tone didn't help at all. You'd probably mistake him for a doctor if you didn't know he was a salaryman. However, the maroon-navy striped sweater (you wouldn't call that a clothes clash, would you?) he was wearing tonight made his fair skin stand out all the way, and, I hate to admit, I think he should've stuck to this style more.

"What's taking so long?"

"Sorry, nearly dozed off in the shower."

"Hahaha. Funny."

His dimples smiled slightly as he ushered me into the warm house. The warm heat from the airconditioner surrounded me instantaneously, warding off any cold air around my body. I felt at ease.

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