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Kaneki's POV
I fell asleep immediately on my bed, but it didn't mean I had a pleasant nap.

I was restraint to a chair with chains. My head hung low. I looked at the hair that fell in my eyes and saw it was red now. My head had a throbbing pain. Where am I? What happened to my hair? "Hello, Kaneki." My head snapped towards the voice and I saw it was JASON. "Get away from me, you creep!" I shouted at him but he came closer with his torture device that I hated with everything in me. He grabbed my throat and leaned in. "I won't stop hunting you. You are my little torture toy. What's mine is mine." He said. I tried to use my kagune but something was holding me back and I don't know what. "Get away from me! I'll kill you!" I shouted only to get punch in my face. "Maybe you would want to meet your little centipede friend again!" He said laughing like a maniac as he brought one of those ugly crawling beasts to me. He placed one near the entrance of my ear and immediately it started to crawl up into me. I screamed from the pain and thrashed around trying to get free but no vail.

" You won't escape me!"

I jolted up in cold sweat and decided to get a coffee. So I went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee to calm down my senses and nerves.

I was about to drink it when a knock was heard on my door. I opened it and saw it was Nagisa, Kayano, Okuda and Karma. "Hey, Kaneki. Want to come to the mall with us?"

"Uh, sure." I said. "Just give me a minute."Okay." Nagisa replied and waited outside. I went to my wardrobe and picked a jean and a t-shirt and got dressed. When I was finished I downed my last bit of coffee and opened the door where Nagisa and the rest were waiting, and stepped out and locked the door. We arrived at a mall and went to buy some food, of course I didn't eat anything and just said that I already ate breakfast this morning, so I wasn't hungry. After that we just went to random stores and Kayano and Okuda each had their own bags probably filled with clothes and other girly stuff. Once we were finished it was almost 1:00, so we decided to go back to our homes.

I managed to buy myself more coffee, some clothes and books to read to keep myself occupied so I don't just sleep, because that is getting boring.

Tomorrow was Saturday apparently so, I decided to spend it by studying a little, reading one of my books and then drinking some coffee. I got a little hungry today but it wasn't bad.

I woke up Monday morning due to the new alarm clock I bought, I stood up and switched it off, luckily I didn't send it flying to a wall. I took a quick shower and put on my school uniform, I hoped I studied enough. I hiked up the mountain and got to class, and took my seat. After all the students came, we got ready to go the main campus for the tests.

The first test was Maths. No problem really. The teacher said we could begin so immediately we picked up our pencils and started to answer our questions.

It wasn't hard. But the last one caught me a little of guard, but it didn't bother me.

When we were done, we handed in our test papers and went to have lunch before we begin with the English test and then go home. The English test was also pretty easy, so I finished it a little earlier than most of the other kids. After all the students were done and gave their papers to the teacher, he let us go home. I made myself some coffee and drank it quickly, before going to bed, then read a couple pages of one of the books I bought and then finally falling asleep.

I groaned as I woke up almost piercing my kagune through the alarm clock but I remembered that I had to keep this thing for some reason. So I pressed the quiet-freaking-down-you-little-piece-of-shit button...it worked so much better since I save money for more coffee.

I got up, got in the shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, tried to do my hair, drank coffee and headed out but in the process I bumped into Nagisa."Ouch! Sorry, Kaneki. You wanna walk with me to school?" Nagisa asked. "Uh, sure." I said and the two of us went to school but on the way we got a certain sadist.

"Hey, Nagisa. Hey, Kaneki." He said. "Hey, Karma." Both of us said and from there we continued on. Nagisa and Karma kept talking about how they could assassinate Koro-Sense but I was in my own little world. I couldn't help but to think what would they do if they found out I was a ghoul? Would they throw me to the CCG or worse, kill me?

Today, we had Geography and Japanese, both just as easy as yesterday's tests, even if it was rigged.

The rest of the week went by quite quickly, the rest of the tests were also really easy.

Time skip to next week Monday
Today we got our tests, I had aced them all, each was above
90%, but unfortunately most of the other students failed, and Koro-Sensei didn't take that quite well.

Suddenly Karma threw his knife at Koro-Sensei's head but he dodged. "Relax teach! Kaneki isn't the only one who passed." He said as he threw his tests on Koro-Sensei's desk. The whole class stood around him and he actually did great. He got above 80 for all his tests, except for Math, which he had 100% in. After school was over, I went back to my apartment.

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