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Souls. Do they exist? If so where do they come from? Where do they go? How do they connect with one another? These are the questions that revolve around religions and philosophies throughout the world. Although the tale I am about to narrate does not seek to answer these questions, knowing these answers will help you, the reader, better understand and appreciate it, therefore I will provide you with a brief overview of them. I am a soul, you may call me Eros.

Souls are eternal, sentient fragments of an entity known as the Light, one of the two creators of the entire universe, the other one being the Darkness. Humanity has an idea of what these two creators are, Good and Evil, and that they are and will be enemies until the end of time. That is a half truth. To simplify the explanation, the Light and the Darkness are like husband and wife, they both deeply love, respect, and need one another, and they remain connected through their child, the universe. Together they help raise their offspring to its fullest potential. This does not mean that good and evil does not exist, rather it is defined by our actions, that is, the actions of souls.

Allow me to teach you a bit about souls. As I mentioned, we are pieces of the Light, it creates us from its own energy, gives us the gift of sentience and free will, and scatters us into the cosmos to forge our own lives. We do this through organisms, and all living things harbor a soul within them, each soul designed for a specific type of living thing. In your world, plants, microorganisms, animals, and humans have different types of souls, I being among the human souls. Some souls are older than others, I am a relatively young one, being created around the time of the Roman Empire, but we will get to that.

Being eternal, we don't die, we reincarnate, sorry to disappoint those of you who believe in an afterlife, but it is rather more of a "pre-life" if you will, where we wait to be transferred from one body to the next. This usually happens at random periods of time , for example, a soul that used to be peasant in Medieval Spain could be reincarnated as the CEO of a modern tech company. Usually the body changes as well, you could be a Chinese Princess in one life and an Italian Don in another, gender is almost never fixed. Also, even though each new body's memories start from scratch, the soul will always retain all its memories from its past lives, therefore your personality is very unlikely to change regardless of which life you are in. What a soul will not usually remember, is the other souls they interacted with as well as the period between one life and the other. I use the word "usually" in all these rules because there is the rare exception, the one that defines the tale I will regale to you shortly.

Being fragments of the light, all souls are connected by threads if you will, composed of emotion, therefore we each affect each other in many ways unconsciously when we are happy, sad, hateful etc. Even though we are all connected, however, we don't all resonate. Resonance happens when two individual souls share a piece of themselves with one another. Humanity calls this soul resonance "being soulmates", therefore that is how I will refer to it from now for your convenience.

Soulmates are created by the most powerful emotion, love. Love is not a thread like other emotions, think of it more like magnetism, both souls being the opposite charge to the other, always attracting each other no matter how much one tries to pull them apart. The love that creates soulmates is specific however, it is not the same love one feels for a comrade or for family, and it isn't born in the human world. Rather it is forged in "pre-life", during the waiting period of reincarnation, two souls, to be linked for all eternity. When this occurs, these soulmates will always be reincarnated in the same time period, with the same body, and the soul will remember both it's past lives and the spirit plane in between them, as well as their significant other's. This is where my story begins, when I first met my soulmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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