Everyone has their own saturation points. I once thought of life and I found the word boredom of life, maybe that's the point of saturation in question. Many people do not understand what the purpose of life, from where the boredom begins life. I'm already bored with this life, everything feels so boring. This situation feels boring, all feels repeated in the tiring frame of life. But, no need to fear boredom, it is a path to a renewal point. Sometimes life does feel boring. If that happens, try to be more grateful. Tired of life may, but the next day have to cheer up again. When you are bored with hope, try to stop and be grateful for what you have. This life will feel more enough and of course there is happiness. There are times when we are bored and bored, but that is one of the colors of life.
PoetrySerpihan dari beberapa kalimat yang mengungkapkan permasalahan hati dan perasaan seseorang jangan lupa divote ya mantemann😁😊