Before Darkness Rose

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A/N: This chapter is a prologue. It takes place shortly before Darkness Rising. I recommend not skipping this until you have read it at least once. It shows how Virus came to be aware of the Cybertronians' presence on Earth.

I had received an alert from Agent Fowler on a secure line about a raid on a MECH base. He was the only human able to contact me and even then, he didn't know where I was located.

No one except the town residents did. They didn't know I was Virus.

I sat at my computer, hands flying over the keyboard as I slipped into the correct comm channel. I had a voice modulator that made me sound like multiple different people were speaking at once. The Government gave up trying to figure out who I was when it was revealed that I wasn't a threat.

"Listen up, we have Virus helping us out so don't mention the aliens and don't let them cut the power to the compound." I heard the end of the squad leader's briefing.

What are they hiding? I mused. I'll have to check when the mission is over.

The Squad Leader paused for a few minutes to allow me to slip into the comms.

"Virus, are you here?" He asked.

"I am." I stated simply.

"We're good to go. Let's move in." He told his team.

I slipped into MECH's system easily. " You would think they would up their security with a hacker routinely slipping through their defenses." I commented while I opened a door for the team of six to enter the base.

This was a fairly small base so six people and I should be able to take it out without too much trouble.

I pulled up the security cameras on one of my monitors, setting the program to switch through the cameras to keep the team in sight automatically. A second window of cameras popped up. This one I left to manually switch through to keep an eye out for enemies.

"Patrol in the hallway to your left." I informed them as I worked on copying the info in MECH's systems into my own computer.

There was the sound of gunfire through the comms before it fell silent again.

Someone a couple hallways away attempted to trigger the alarms. I prevented that.

"Take a right, then a left. One guy."

I followed their progress as I kept transferring data. A camera showed several people patrolling in the power room.

"Try to avoid alerting guards if you can. Seven people are patrolling the power room. I can see a switch for the power easily marked. I can't interfere with it. If they throw the switch, you'll be on your own." I reminded the soldiers.

"Copy that."

I guided them through the base, taking them to the control room last.

When they entered, they caught sight of the screen rapidly shifting through files as they were clearly being sent somewhere.

MECH goons were panicking and trying to trace and stop me. Neither of which was actually happening anytime soon.

The soldiers took control of the control room and the Squad Leader turned his attention to moving the prisoners out and making sure I didn't need any help.

"I'm fine. Focus on moving your prisoners." I huffed, a bit distracted as I organized the files and made copies for the Government to look through.

"You sure?"

"If I need any help, I will ask for it." I told him before mostly ignoring the comm chatter.

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