The Song

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A/N: So this chapter is based on the recent video which had Joven singing to Wes at the end (there's a link at the side). I used actual comments copied and pasted from YouTube, so sorry about the bad grammar in them. Just to point out - I started writing this fic before that video, so I was shipping Joven and Wes first! ;-)

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He was sat in the game room scrolling desperately through the comments on his phone. He couldn't believe Wes had actually put that in the video, it had just been a bit of fun, between the two of them, why did he have to go and make it public like that! It had only been a couple of weeks since they first hooked up, and they'd recorded Joven singing to Wes as a bit of fun. But then Wes went and put it up at the end of the bonus scenes for Grand Theft Smosh. Joven looked through the things being said about his song.

"fan-fiction writers GO!"

"Is weshire canon now?!!!"


"Run Wes, and don't look back."

"Were you drunk?"

"ha GAY"

"I knew that joven had a thing for Wes! Just kidding joven your awesome"

"Proof that Joven is truly gay"

"i know ship jovenXwes because of that damn song. lets just say joven brought it upon himself."

"so can this be taken as joven coming out of the closet?"

"Wes should answer with another song in return!"

Wes walked through the door and saw him sat there, hunched over his phone. "Joven? You okay, hun?" He walked over and sat beside him, placing a hand between his shoulders.

"How could you do that to me, Wes? It was a bit of fun... it was supposed to be private! I can't believe you'd... I thought you cared about me!" Tears streamed down his face, dripping from his chin into his lap. He ignored them, even when they landed on the screen of his phone.


"No! Don't you 'sweetie' me! I'm used to being a laughing stock, but this... You could've at least consulted me before you published my feelings on the internet! You could've warned me before you put the video up so I could be prepared - my parents watched that, and I hadn't come out to them yet!" His voice cracked he was crying so hard. Sobs racked his body and his shoulders shook. Wes began to rub his back in a circular motion, but Joven leapt out of his seat and threw his arm off. "Don't touch me - don't try and act like everything's okay! It's not okay Wesley!" His shouts attracted the rest of the gang, who all began to watch the argument.

"Joshua, please, just- just listen to me, okay?" Wes pleaded with him. "I didn't-"

"What can you possibly have to say that will make what you did 'okay'? Nothing, that's what! It's not fair of you to make me come out like that! You're supposed to wait until we're both ready! That's why we always pretend there's nothing going on between Ian and Lasercorn - we don't want to force them out before they're ready - but you didn't give me that, did you?" Joven was fuming, but then a small voice from the doorway distracted him.

"You guys know about me and Lasercorn?" Ian was stood in the doorway with Anthony. Lasercorn was just visible over his shoulder, and Sohinki, Mari and Flitz were sat together by the computers at the other end of the room, all staring at Ian. There was silence for a moment, then Anthony spoke up.

"Uhh, yeah, we know. Mari overheard you guys talking about a date, Matt glimpsed you kissing, and we all kinda spotted the way you guys... uh..."

"Look at each other and touch each other in public." Wes finished the sentence for him.

"Yeah," Anthony agreed. "They were thinking about confronting the two of you about it, but uhh... I convinced them it would be better to, uhh... let you guys... I figured you'd tell us when you were ready." Anthony ran his fingers through his hair nervously. He was really worried that Ian finding out would spell disaster for Iancorn.

Ian frowned up at Anthony. "And how exactly did you convince them? Did you tell them about...?" he left the question unfinished, knowing Anthony knew the end of it. Lasercorn gave them a confused look, and everyone else looked away awkwardly. Anthony nodded slowly, looking down at the floor, refusing to meet Ian's eyes. Ian scoffed.. When he spoke there was venom in his voice. "Of course you did. Cause you always wanted to tell everyone you f-"

"Ian! Look, I don't know what he told the guys, but you can't treat him like that. He's your friend, and from what I can tell, he was only trying to protect us. Just let it go, babe." Lasercorn had pushed forward between Ian and Anthony, and he placed a hand on Ian's cheek. Ian looked into his eyes, and his expression softened. He sighed, and placed his own hand on Lasercorn's shoulder. Then he looked back up at Anthony.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I just thought that was private."

Anthony smiled at him. "It was, but I didn't want Lasercorn to go through the same thing I did, and it was the only way to make things clear to them," he said, gesturing towards everybody else.

Lasercorn frowned. "The same thing you did? Di- did you guys used to date? For real?" He looked from one to the other, shock and a hint of jealousy showing on his face.

"It was years ago, and, well... Anthony wanted to come out to people, I was too scared, so I kept asking him to just keep it in a little longer. Eventually he tried to force it, so I dumped him." Ian looked a little guilty about it as he said it, but then he looked back at Lasercorn, and he found he couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, so everything with you guys is sorted, now we just need to deal with Weshire," Flitz began. Everyone's attention briefly flickered over to him then focused on Wes and Joven. "So, what exactly is the problem with you two?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what he did! He put that clip of me singing to him at the end of the video -"

"I didn't! I wasn't the one who did the final edit on that video! I was trying to tell you that, but you just started yelling at me!"

"You - you didn't do it?" Joven croaked, looking at Wes with a shocked and dumbfounded expression.

"Of course I didn't! We've only been together two weeks, and I'm not ready to go public yet either! I didn't even realise the footage of you singing was in the stuff I gave Matt to edit." Sohinki's face went red as Joven whirled round, furious.

"You posted that footage?! How could you? Do you have any idea -"

"I didn't know you guys were actually dating! I just thought it was a bit of fun, just you being, you know, you. And come on, most of the fans probably took it that way too, so there's no harm done really. Right?" He looked around for support, but found none.

"Have you looked at the comments on that video? People are mocking me. And some of them are asking if it's real, they're taking it seriously, and I know it shouldn't matter if they know, I shouldn't care what they think, but... I'm not ready for the whole world to know. That was something pretty personal, and you just shared it without even checking whether I was okay with it?"

"Well, I just assumed, 'cause Wes gave it to me with the rest, that he'd checked already, and that you were okay with it. I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry." He did look genuinely sorry, so Joven backed down, shaking his head. Wes moved up beside him and slipped an arm his shoulders.

"So... you guys are actually...?" Mari asked. Joven and Wes nodded, smiling and leaning their heads against each other.

"You'll never be as good as Iancorn!" cried Lasercorn from the other side of the room, hanging his arms round Ian's neck and smooching him. Wes just shook his head, then said,

"We better get set up for gamebang."

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