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kevin garrett, it don't bother me at all.

Days passed and he still hadn't shown up and I for one was not complaining. My life was fully back to normal even though it had only been about three days. I took my spot at the hospital much to Kea's excitement. Went out with my best friends finally getting to see and spend time with them all.

I kept in touch with Raheem and luckily it wasn't that hard to seeing as he was only two hours ahead. Our phone calls would turn into hours of FaceTimes, I left all the serious questions for face to face and I think he could tell.

"When are you coming back?"

The question that has been caught in his throat, I knew he wanted to ask me it but never did. I turned off my Bluetooth and stepped out the car with the phone by my ear. Grabbing my bag and shutting the door, I turned towards my house.

I began walking on the path leading to my porch steps, "I'm not sure yet, I haven't really thought about it. I've just been submerged in work and that in itself has been so amazing. I missed it so much."

"Oh," is his only response.

I chuckle, "Why don't you come down here?" I sit on the bench on my porch, "Come see my world, it's not as exciting or breathtaking as yours but it is something different and fun."

I heard him laugh, "You can't go around comparing everything to my home now, it isn't fair."

"Well, cocky much."

I still hear his laughter which only makes me smile, "You started it, really. Come down to South Africa, huh? I'm sure I could do that." My smile broadened, "As long as you're my tour guide."

"Of course I will be," My smile turns into a frown when I spot Micah walking towards my house, honestly he's already reached it. How did I not see him this whole time?

Just as his foot hits the first step I speak into the mic, "Hey, Raheem, I'm sorry I've got to go."

"Is everything okay?" He asks, "I'm about to find out." I answer before we say our goodbyes and The King is stood before me.

He looks good just as good as he did when I left him, no worry lines or anything that could physically say he's been rejected. I suppose that's the good that comes with having a Bounded.

Even though they are not mates bonded by the Moon, they are still Bound in her eyes. Therefore he is still strong and can still stand tall with no physical indication of the severed bond.

"Well are you actually going to say something or did you just come here to invade my space?"

He looks awkward, as though he doesn't know what to do with himself, doesn't know what to do or to say and quite frankly it was annoying me. He shouldn't have come here if he was just going stand like a duck and gawk at me.

My sigh is heavy with annoyance, "Micah –"

"I'm sorry," He shakes his head as he looks at the ground, "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve any of this and I wish, I really wish it could be different –"

I get to my feet in an instant, "Micah, I don't care. If you only came here to apologise, I really don't care to hear it. Life goes on wolves in the Arctic Pack reject their mates and live on with other wolves all the time, I'm fine. I don't need all of this." I gesture to him, to show I don't need his apology.

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