Chapter 5 & 6

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Chapter 5

Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

A few weeks have passed and I was fully recovered. Ho Seok and Nam Joon thaught me and helped me on the court lady thing and I got the hang of it.

My job was washing the clothes and cooking foods. It was not that hard though. Mother thought me some of these so I was not having a hard time.

It was already night...... I was cutting some ingredients for the foods for tomorrow and I was cleaning the kitchen.

Kim Nam Joon's P.O.V.

Min Oh is working now and I'm surprised she learns very quick. She's not only hard working but she's also smart...... Boy...... I can't wait to tell this to Tae Hyung..... I think she fits Tae Hyung's type....

"Hey, Nam Joon... I talked to the Prince.... " Ho Seok said.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked and he nodded.

"Then lets get ready...... " I said and we stood up from our sits and went outside......

Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

"Min Oh!" Said the highest court lady.

"Yes, madam?" I asked.

"Can you wash these blankets? Sorry, we need to clean all of these..... It's alright you are excused in your other chores just do this only." She said and I nodded...

After that, I hurriedly did what I was told. I finished washing the blankets and I started hanging them.


While Min Oh was doing her chores. Someone was in the bushes looking at her.........

A two familiar figure to Min Oh..........

Can it be a killer??

Who was it????

They were watching her and........

Chapter 6

Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

While I was organizing the cleaning utensils.

Someone pulled me in the bushes and covered my mouth......

Who are they?

I was about to scream for help then....

"Your highness! Thank goodness! Your safe!" He said with happiness in his face.

"Seok Jin! Jungkook! Thank goodness your alright!" I said as I hugged them tightly.

Jungkook chuckled.
"Well .... We are alright.... So.... How about you, Your Highness.... What happened? We lost track of you since the invasion...." Jung Kook said worriedly.

"We are very sorry your highness..... We didn't mean to happen this...." Seok Jin said and they both bow....

"No! It's alright.... If you didn't helped me maybe we are all dead now..... " I said with a smile on my face.

"Now look up.......We have a lot to talk about...." I said smiling as they both nod.

"Yes, Your Highness..." They both said.

"Now.... What happened to the kingdom? Is everything alright, now?" I said.....

"Yes... The PARK didn't took our treasures so we can make renovation for the houses of our people....... They just wanted the royal family dead..." Seok Jin said.

I was surprised.

"So they really just want to kill the royal family for power...... If they killed all of us that night then...." I said.

"They will rule the FIRST KINGDOM." They both finished it.

"Right.... We must be careful..... They can attack the kingdom in any time they want.... We have to make the kingdom is more secured..... I can't let that happen again....." I said as I remember some flashback.... It's making me shake..

"Your highness......... It's all under control now... ....Now we want to know your next orders........." Seok Jin said.

"Mother and Father said I can't rule our kingdom because I'm still not in the right age.... So..... I have to hide.... I have to hide my identity..... That's what the letter said to me...." I said to them seriously.

"So.... Your going to pretend that your a court lady?" Jung Kook said and I nodded in response.

"I have no choice for now..... I have to keep my identity.... " I said.

"We understand, Your highness." They both said.

"I told you this because you are the only ones my mother and father trusts..... You will be the one in charge while I'm not in the right age...." I said.

"But your highness..... Everyone in the kingdom thinks your dead..... " Seok Jin said.

"Let it be like that for now..." I said.

"I promise .... When I got in the right age.... I will .... protect our kingdom....." I said to them while looking at them in the eyes.

"Report me whats happening in the kingdom every week." I ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness....." They both said.

"We better get goin now.... Maybe someone will find you, Your Highness......" Seok Jin said.

I hugged them both again....
"Always be safe, alright?" I said and let go.

They both chuckled
"Yes, Your Highness." They both said......

Then they both smiled and waved goodbye.

I wathched them as they walked away. Then, I returned to the village..

?????? P.O.V.

I see..... so thats the reason why she's a good court lady....

Should I keep my mouth shut?


Should I tell it to the Prince?

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