29 Days

7 1 5

It's so dark. Somebody save me. Be my light. I hate it here. Im trapped with my thoughts. They tell me i should end everything. To pick up my blade and stop it all. But i also like it here. Nobody hurts me here like they do out there. It's safe in the dark.


Whispers. Laughs. Giggles.

Punches. Bruises. Beatings.

I walk down the hall with a busted lip and a bruised eye. It doesn't hurt. I hung my head down low not wanting any attention. For once i was glad i was short. Im 5"1 being the shortest boy in my grade. Im fine with it because it works in my favor.

I open my locker and grab all the crumbled and old pieces of paper. I throw them out and shut my locker. Hardly anyone is in the halls so i decide to skip first period tech. Mr. Daniels likes me so he let's me leave class whenever i want.

He's the only person in this god forsaken town that even acknowledges me. I haven't spoken since my first suicide attempt. The only way i socialize with him is writing which he doesn't seem to mind.

I walk down the track and find my favourite spot to sit. It's in between two tree roots. Luckily it's hidden away from the view of others so i can hide and relax here.

I close my eyes and put in my ear buds while raising the volume. O death by Jen Titus starts playing and i zone out. Not asleep but not fully awake either.

I don't hear the quiet footsteps heading my way. When a hand touches my shoulder i jump and move away. Putting a hand to my heart feeling it thumping loudly in my chest. I take off my ear buds and stare wide eyed at the accused.

Wavy bright blue and red hair. Electric red piercing eyes. Snake bites on his perfect plump lips. A chiseled jaw line. A black long sleeved shirt. Black skinny jeans. Black high top vans. Dylan Chaser. The infamous bad boy who gets into fights everyday and is a loner with a few friends.

"Hey" he says glancing at me leaning against my tree. I look at him curiously and cautiously before nodding my head slowly. "In case you're wondering i followed you here and thought you might want some company". I shake my head but he doesn't seem to take the hint and sits down on the tree in front of mine.

I hesitantly sit down in between the roots of my tree and look around. "This is a nice view so you come here often?" He questions while looking up at the tree tops where a bit of sun shines through. I nod and shift so im comfortable accidently touching Dylan's foot.

I quickly move my leg away as if he burnt me. "You don't talk much do you?" He asks quietly. I don't respond but instead still myself so a butterfly can land on my finger. I smile a bit until it flies away.

"You should smile more. A frown on your face doesn't set right with me" he says softly touching a flower beside him. I shrug and get up. He starts to follow me but i glare at him. He stops and walks off in a different direction. I make my way home without any interruptions.

Can somebody please save me?

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