Chapter 1

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There’s a lot of reasons as to why people do things. Sometimes the reason’s money, sometimes its responsibility, sometimes it's love and sometimes it's just pure stupidity. But what if the reason was death? Or convincing themselves that death was the only way to stop everything in their lives; to get one moment of pure peace. Would you do it? Or would you let someone talk you out of it? See, I’m no ordinary girl. God help me, I wish I was, but I’m just not. I’m not a big believer in destiny and fate and all of that crap, but the events that led me to this moment speak otherwise and it’s really started to piss me off. Who does destiny think he is? Who gave him the permission to utterly and completely screw up my life? What you’re about to hear is supposed to be confidential but what the hell. If this is the only way to save humanity then so be it. It’s not like i’m going to be around after I pull this off. My name is Adair Han, I’m twenty three years old and in charge of one of the biggest syndicates in the world and I’m about to let you all in on a secret that could very well destroy the existence of humanity, so I hope you’re comfortable, because this is going to be one long descent into hell. 

6 years ago

I have no idea what I am doing here. I shouldn’t even be here period. If my parents found out they would capital K-I-L-L me. Plus I would be wasting all of my lunch period so like I said, I have no idea what I am doing here. I should have turned around, I don’t know why I didn’t but I unconsciously put my foot inside the counselor’s office. I just stood in the office and I probably would have stayed that way if it had not been for Dr. Selvam’s voice. 
“Hello, can I help you Ms.?”
I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this but then I thought screw it.
“Um, I think so. I’m not sure. I just need to talk to someone I guess." Dr. Selvam smiled has ushered me into his office. I took a seat with my hands clenched already kinda regretting doing this. Dr. Selvam took his seat and studied my for a bit, which for the record kind of creeped my out.
"What's your ID number?"
"Your ID number." 
"Oh, its 1656219." He typed something into his computer and started reading it which I assumed was my records. Dr. Selvam took his glasses off and leaned back into his chair.
"So, Adair. Why have you come here today? What's going on?" I sighed, still not sure if this was the right thing to do but I was committed so committed I shall stay.
"Nothing much. To be quite honest, I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I have a good life, good parents, good grades, good friends but I still feel so empty inside. I wake up dreading each day. I hate waking up and acting like everything's fine when its not. And I can't tell my parents about this because they don't believe in depression and anxiety and stuff. They expect me to be a perfect happy daughter but that's not me. I don't feel joy in things I loved doing before." As I finished my rant, he just sat there for a minute before asking,
"What happened to your hands?"
"What?" He continued to point at my hands and I realized what he was talking about. See this is what I get for not covering it up.
"Um, I train in MMA and as a result my hands end up like this."
"Why do you fight?"
" I don't know, I guess it's a great stress reliever and it takes care of my anger."
"Anger? What anger?"
"Everything makes me angry. This, for example, is making me angry. My parents make me angry. My life makes me angry and because I can punch something without getting in trouble, being able to box allows me to do that. I'm sorry, I knew this was a mistake. Sorry for wasting your time," I say as I head for the door.
"When your ready to let out your pain, I'll be here."
"Hmhm, I'm sure I'll need it," and with that I head out only to smack face first into a human bulldozer. 
“What the hell dude?! Watch where you’re going,” I growl as I walk past him. Literally the rest of my day was just me controlling myself so I didn’t punch anyone and that was only because I didn’t need a two-day long lecture from my parents as to why punching someone is wrong. When the bell finally rang, I ran out of that place as fast as I could and I headed straight for the gym. I called my parents ahead and let them know and for some surprising reason, THEY WERE OKAY WITH! I didn’t question it and I ended up punching and kicking my heart out, letting out all the pent up anger, sadness and loneliness until it was 10pm. Don’t get me wrong, I have two great friends that are amazing, but there’s only so much they can do. And, I would prefer if they didn’t start to think that I was some messed up depressed log of human flesh.  When I was done my instructor, Jim walked up to me and said, 
“Great work Adair. But practice on focusing more. I was standing on the other side of the gym and even I could see you had other things on your mind. When you fight, fighting should be the only thing you focus on. Got it, now get out of here.” I nod as I grab my things and walk out of the gym.
“Focus on one thing,” I mutter to myself. “How the hell am I supposed to focus on one thing. I don't control what I think of. It's not my fault my brain likes thinking of random things at random times.” Talking to myself, I started walking home, also surprised that my parents let me walk home all by myself. But I guess Jim had a point about my mind and how I should focus on what I am doing. I was completely oblivious to the fact that a murder was about to unfold right before my eyes in a few minutes. I never saw it coming, one minute I was searching for my headphones thinking about why penguins can't fly and the next me I hear a gunshot go off in the alley by the road. On impact, I ducked behind the trash bin but it was too late. The guy holding the gun saw me duck and he stalked his scary ass to me. See the thing about this situation is that I was shaking in my skin in fear but I wasn’t gonna show that to this dude, who just killed someone in front of my. No big deal, imma play it cool.
“Uh, hello mister. Could we strike a deal in which you pretend you didn’t see me and I’ll leave and keep my mouth shut?” The guy scoffed,
“Not a chance girl.” And, with that the guy knocked my unconscious with the butt of his gun. 

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