You Idiot

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"Natalie, this is Uncle James , Aunt Marie and your friend I guess? , Andrian. James is the one who will replace me here since I get promoted as you know." Dad explained. I smiled at the family. Suddenly Adnrian asked his mum "Mum are they the ones who will move to London?" "Yes darling.Why?" "Nothing. " and then he acted all weird all night. Before he goes home we exchanged numbers. 10 minutes after he left, I got a text saying goodnight. Not knowing who sent it because I'm so tired and my vision started getting all blurry, I just replied a simple goodnight.

//The next morning.\\

"Listening to grown ups didnt learn a thing but then again you know what?" Listening to Ed on the way to school can clear my mind from almost everything. Suddenly, I feel my earphones being pulled. MAYDAY MAYDAY ! "Hello" Andrian's voice gave me chills, possibly because he literally said that next to my ear. "You idiot." I glared at him and put my earphones back on. But I guess having a person sitting next to you means you can't wear your earphones,because this human next to me keeps pulling them from my ear. "Don't make me pull your pants." I said randomly. "I'll make you." He smirked. Okay, totally didnt expect that. "Ugh Fine." Then I put my head on his shoulders. He then he put his arms around my shoulder. Why is this weirdly calming?

//Andrian's locker.\\

"My locker is so far away." I said. First time realizing it after 2 years in this school. "Change it then." Andrian said, still trying to find his book. "No need for that. I'm gonna be out soon." I've already brought home some stuff yesterday. Now my locker is just filled some notebooks that I'll be using. "I have some space here. You only got like a couple books right?" he offered. "Sounds like a good idea. Maybe after school though. Thanks." "Welcome." and he did his little smile again.


"The sandwich yesterday was trash." Andrian said while fixing his glasses. "You probably chose the wrong sandwich. Did that once, it was horibble. Try some salad or yogurt." I suggested. "He shrugs and line up behind me. We then got our meals and sat to my seat which is kind of reserved because apparently the 'fat bitch' eats here. "This salad is okay." "Andrian you literally just took the first bite gosh" I grabbed my apple and take a bite. Sweet! "Um Nick, why are you sitting with her?" Cassandra suddenly appeared from nowhere. And everyone has been calling Andrian by his middle name because of the incident. "Because reasons." He rolled his eyes. "Come sit with us at our table. She'll take your food trust me." I'm done with this girl recycling the same line everytime someone wants to be my friend so I throw my apple away and go to the bathroom. "You can't run can you" "Fat pig" "You walk too slow" "Gross" "SHUT UP!" then silence. I ran as fast as I could and pushed the restroom door. Then. for the first time ever in school, I blacked out.

Andrian POV

I told everyone to shut up. Why the hell would they say those things to Natalie?Back at New York we're always nice to each other. Or are we? I ran to follow Natalie. I see her speeding up and going in the bathroom. I heard a thud. I hesitate to go in but I know something is wrong. I walk in and there she is lying on the floor.

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