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It was the wetness of the bed that woke me up that night. Throwing the cover to the other side of the bed I looked down and sure my thoughts were confirmed.

My water just broke and all I could do is curse shit. I'm not ready as yet maybe it's a dream but it felt so real. I carefully slide off of my bed and made my way over to my closet where I had a suitcase packed with the necessary things that I would need in the hospital.

I put it by the bedroom door and went back into my closet for a change of clothes. When I did that I looked for my phone.

When I found it I immediately started scrolling through my contacts when the first contraction hit me. I could only hold my stomach and curse. I finally find the person that I was looking for and dial the number.

"Come on answer your phone." I mumbled. I called again when it went to voicemail.

I looked at my suitcase at the door and walked over to it. I pulled it behind me as I made my way downstairs slowly.

I had to stop on the stairs to catch my breath when another round of contraction hit me. I was doing all ins and outs and holding my now big stomach with my hand that held the phone.

When I was released from the pain I started walking down the stairs again constantly ringing and taking deep breaths when there was no answer I would use all the curse word I could find.

It didn't take long for me to be at the front door. I put the suitcase in the back seat and got into the driver seat. I slowly back out of the drive way. It was like these contraction knows when to hit me hard. I tightened my hold on the steering wheel and my foot put pressure on the gas pedal increasing the speed.

I took deep breaths in and waited for the pain to go away. When it did I didn't sleep down this baby is coming soon and I can't deliver a baby while driving.

My phone was ringing so I reached for it on the passengers seat and answer it not looking at the caller ID but not so gentle.

"What?!" I growled into the phone.

"What happened?" The person asked panicked not making my situation any better.

"My water just broke you piece of shit and i am driving myfreakingself to the hospital. I have been calling you all night you bastard what were you doing that was so important." I screamed in the phone trying hard to concentrate on the road.

"Oh shit." I heard him cursed and there was clothes rustling from his end. "I'm really really sorry Crystal I've been um busy."

I don't know where I had the time to roll my eyes while talking on the phone and driving but I did.

I took a deep breath. "Just get there." I hang up the phone before he could say anything else.

I didn't bother parking the car since I didn't have the time and I know I am minutes away from popping this baby out. I slammed the door when I got the suitcase out of the passengers side. The moment the suitcase hit the ground I was in pain. This contraction was the worse off all that I have felt since my water broke.

This is when he decided to show up running towards me shouting for someone to get me a wheelchair. It didn't take long for someone to get the wheelchair and he was wheeling me inside the hospital like a madman.

He only slow down at the front desk to get information and then started wheeling me around corridors to where the nurse had told him the delivery room was.

I was wheeled into the room and he was pushed out. I was panting, sweating and I haven't started pushing yet. The door the room opened and I saw Shawn smiling at me.

"What are you smiling about?" He shrugged.

"Then wipe that smile off of you face you idiot because there is nothing to be happy about not when it feels like I am going to be split in half." I screamed at the maniac that I smiling at a time like this.

"Sir you can't be in here so I would like to ask you to leave unless you are the father than you can stay." The doctor said coming back into the room.

I was glad the doctor asked him to leave. I took a deep breath but that breath got stuck in my throat when I saw him smirking and that mischievous look in his eyes.

"If that's the case then that means you can't get rid of me." He said smiling looking at me. I would have cursed him so bad but I have to save my energy to push out this baby out of me.

"Well then let's get you prepared then." The doctor said not asking any other questions.

"He's not the father he's a moron and I don't want him here." I said through gritted teeth.

"The pain is making her delusional." He told the doctor.

"Shut up you piece of shit. If I wasn't almost being split into two I would smack that smile off of your face."

"You hear that she loves me. Now let's get everything prepared before she pops." He said pooping the 'p'.

They came back minutes later and later through all my screaming and my pushing and Shawn silently laughing and videoing. I am made a promise to beat him to death once I have the strength to.

The most important thing is that through all that there was a cry and it wasn't me but my beautiful baby girl.

I was so tired I went to sleep with her in my arms sleeping peacefully as me. I woke up the next morning and she wasn't there and I started to panic ignoring the weird feeling of having a flat stomach again.

I jumped up for a voice to stop me for just a second before I started panicking again.

"Easy. Take a deep breath." I did what the voice told me what to do and looked at him.

"Where's my baby?" I asked in a hoarse voice and he passed me a cup of water. I looked at it like I didn't know what it was for.

"They took her to the nursery to clean her. The nurse will bring her back when she is finish and when you are rested now drink." He explained and gestured with the cup again. I took it from him and drink.

As soon as the cup was empty and i hand it back to him a nurse enter with my little girl in her hands.

I tried not to look eager but I did and I almost drag the baby from her arms. She didn't look offended but smile and left.

"So what is her name?" He asked. I looked at him and then back at the baby in my arms.

"Chrissann Black..."

I smiled at the name.

Not My Sister's Fiance Book 2Where stories live. Discover now