Monday Morning

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"Wake up" kent syas. "Ok fineeeeee" i says. Wake up and forehaed kiss. Makes me uwu so hard even tho we dateihg sinse forever. He just do that. Crips shets smell like winter, but out not in. i nyoom to shower before bby can hahahaha. I wash off and put on clothes, which do include his swater. Obv. im a basic gorl. Oooooh but baby pules meh againt chesticles so that my back is agaist him."we are saying romantic stuff" he say "okay bby <3" i says. I felt on fire in a good way becuase WORM. uwu. I do more nyooming acreos the road cepus Lidnsya has my bagel and if she ets it she wil ebome deth. I get in back beceuse ALLY (lil beech) was in shotgun. "Gimme coffee" says me the grabby baby "i will make a funny joke" Lnisayd does. har har har goes evryone. I luv (inster place nam). Just me and my gorls and my cinnaninm bae. I miss him :(( uwu. Its aother day, and im not ded :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

DA END uwu

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