Chapter 5

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They had been sitting in the vehicle quietly for at least ten minutes just driving down the road, or at least their 'escort' was driving

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They had been sitting in the vehicle quietly for at least ten minutes just driving down the road, or at least their 'escort' was driving. Sam had taken the passenger seat while Mikaela squished in the middle.

"You know." The latter ventured for a break in the silence. "He's a pretty good driver."

"Yeah...speaking of which why are you sitting there? Why not take the driver seat?"

"That would be weird." She gave Sam a look. "He's driving."

"Ok, you got a point."

The silence lingered a bit longer before Mikaela spoke again. "You know what I don't understand?"


"If he's like, this super advanced robot, why does he transform into this piece-of-crap Camaro?"

The screeching of tires echoed loudly in the tunnel as the car slammed to a halt. The door suddenly popped open indicating that both girls should get out, which they did without question.

Once they were on the side of the tunnel the door closed once more and the car drove off the opposite direction they had come from.

"I think you hurt his feelings." Sam admonished her friend. "He seems very sensitive."

Mikaela grumbled but didn't comment. Sam wondered what they should do when the Camaro came driving back looking brand new off the line.

"Wow...looks like someone got an overhaul."

Once more the Camaro pulled up to them, somewhat smug for a car, and opened the door. Both girls climbed in, this time with Sam in the driver seat. Settled in the car took off to their destination.

It only took another fifteen minutes to arrive where the car obviously had in mind. It was an alley between several deserted buildings. Sam and Mikaela stepped out standing back to give the robot room to return to his normal form. Both girls looked around nervously wondering just why their savior had brought them there. It didn't take long for the answer to arrive in the form of four other vehicles, a large GMC truck, a Porsche, a rescue vehicle and a large Mac truck.

They watched in amazement as they all transformed, the Mac Truck proving the largest of the robots. Mikaela looked around uneasily as they surrounded them while Sam focused on the obvious leader.

 Mikaela looked around uneasily as they surrounded them while Sam focused on the obvious leader

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"Are you Samantha Jane Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?"

"They know your name." Mikaela whispered worriedly.

Sam just blinked. "Yeah."

"My name is Optimus Prime

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"My name is Optimus Prime. We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron."

"But you can call us Autobots for short." The one beside him that had originally been the rescue truck spoke up.

"What's crackin' little bitches?" The silver Cadillac greeted them, dancing around a bit before leaning on the hood of a random car. "This looks like a cool place to kick it."

"My first lieutenant. Designation Jazz." Optimus introduced.

"Where did he learn to speak like that?" Sam asked curiously. "In fact how do you know our language?"

"We have studied your world through the use of the World Wide Web."

"That would do it." She nodded in acceptance.

"My weapons specialist, Ironhide." They turned to see the large robot behind them turn his arms into cannons and push them forward.

"You feeling lucky, punk?"

"Easy Ironhide." The leader chided.

Retracting his guns the large bot shrugged. "Just kidding. I just wanted to show her my cannons."

Sam smiled, he sounded like a little kid with a new toy. "They are quite impressive."

Ironhide seemed pleased by that as he stuck his chest out a bit, standing taller.

Optimus shook his head fondly before motioning to the bot behind him. "Our medical officer, Ratchet."

Ratchet eyed them, a thin blue light moving over their forms. "They appear to be healthy though a bit bruised."

"We're ok. But thank you for worrying."

Optimus moved on. "You already know your guardian Bumblebee."

The bot in question started dancing a bit, arms punching into the air in front of him. "Check on the rep, yep! Second to none!"

"Bumblebee? That certainly suits you." Sam smiled. "So you're my guardian? From what?"

"The Decepticons." Optimus informed her seriously. "They are much like us however their way is not one of peace. They will stop at nothing to reach their goals."

"Why are you here?" Mikaela asks as she finally found her voice.

"We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron."


Optimus held his hand out projecting holographic images of his home planet and the war they lived through. "Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it too Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him..."

"My Grandfather." Sam whispered in awe, eyes drinking in the images projected around them.

Prime nodded. "It was an accident that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube." A picture of the Captain fiddling with Megatron's gears causing a bright light to strike him. "He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses."

"How did you know about his glasses?" Sam frowned trying to think of how they could have found them.

"We ran upon your high school's web site and your report on your grandfather which included a photo of the glasses." He explained.


"If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." Ratchet warned severely.

"And the Human race will be extinguished. Samantha Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."

Mikaela leaned into Sam. "Please tell me that you have those glasses."

"Oh I don't think my parents are gonna like this..."

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