Chapter 2: The first meeting

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A/N: sorry was busy with exam preparations and therefore could not update regularly. I will be done with exams in three weeks and then I will update every day. Meanwhile, enjoy a long chapter. 

"When they said that they are interested in this proposal, I thought it may work out. Obviously, we had to know each other before any decision was made. But, still I felt that this might not be a headache, that's all. It was not like this proposal was the very reason of my existence" Arpita replied. She felt confident that she meant every single word that came out. 

"In that case, then I feel like this is not meant for you". Mohan said. Honestly, Arpita was not even interested in knowing what the reasoning was. She did not feel she needed to know. 

She quickly changed the topic to the impending guests. "So who is coming tomorrow. Kavitha said somebody was coming". 

"Oh it is just my friend and his family coming to see us. We last saw on my wedding day. They moved to Australia a few years after the wedding and I have not seen them since. Thanks to the WhatsApp group, we met online again". That was a fresh breeze in the tense environment. Everyone started doing jobs around the house to get it ready for the impending guests. 

After all the works were finished, Aripta said she will go take a shower and relax for sometime as the guests were not expected for another 2 hours. Mohan and Mary were in their room relaxing and Kavitha was watching a movie while she heard a car pull up into the front yard. She went out to check and saw a car full of people getting out. She guessed it would be the visitors. As she turned to go inside and get her dad, the oldest person in the group asked Kavitha "Dear, is this Mohan Cherian's house?". "It certainly is Mathews uncle", Kavitha said beamingly. "So you are still married to him Sunitha aunty?" Kavitha asked with a grin as she came out into the yard. "How do you know us dear?" Sunitha asked with a hearty smile. "Dad gave us a quick rundown of your wedding story on how you had to get married quickly as your family did not like the relationship between you and Mathews uncle, and how uncle was a slight playboy of your times and so forth. So I guess Appa was right, you have willpower" she concluded the conversation. Everyone started laughing. "By the way, I am Kavitha, Mohan's youngest daughter", she introduced herself to the crowd that was quite smitten with her. "Kavitha, since you know us two too well, let us introduce the rest of the family. This is our eldest son Akash, his wife Ruby and their 3 year daughter Ariabelle", she said pointing to a tall handsome guy that was still smiling and his wife that stood next to him. The baby was still sleeping on the shoulders of her dad. "This one here is my second son Joseph" she introduced another tall guy in a casual pair of jeans and a crisp shirt that was already drenching from the scorching sun. "He sure does not know the temperature of this place" Kavitha giggled internally. "And finally, these are our precious twins, Amartya and Amit" Sunitha concluded. By now, Mohan and Mary came out hearing the extended chatter. They knew Kavitha was always talkative so she usually hits up a conversation with anybody that walks past. Therefore, it was usual to hear her chattering from the road. As this conversation was going on for sometime, the parents thought about getting out and checking. 

"Mohan!" Mathews and Sunitha called out his name. "I thought you weren't coming for another hour?" Mohan asked. "the traffic was not that bad, so did not take that long". "Come in" Mohan and Mary welcomed them in. As they were sitting down, Mary introduced herself to the guests. She asked if they needed drinks and opted for cold drinks given the weather. Ariabelle started stirring in her sleep and Akash asked Joseph if he could hold the child for sometime so he can stretch. While Mathews and Sunitha were busy talking to Mohan and Mary, the rest of the party kept wandering around and looking at different photos and medals and trophies. "Is this your older sister Kavitha?" Ruby asked as she spotted a family picture of Mohan and Mary with the girls. "Yes, she is busy. She will come out soon" Kavitha replied. "And these trophies?" Akash questioned. "All mine Sir, except for that golden one in the corner. That's my sister's. She got it when she topped fourth year of medicine" Kavitha said. "Only one medal for your sister, how rude?" Mathews joked. "Well now we know who is the boss here", Kavitha replied and the whole room burst into laughter, scaring the toddler, who was scared and accidentally, wet her pants. "Oh-ho"Joseph exclaimed, while Ruby quickly went up and got the toddler who was petrified. "Ruby take the baby into the master bedroom and clean up. Joseph you can use the bathroom in the other room. Kavitha help Akash get the bags from the car" Mary quickly gave instructions. Kavitha ran out with Akash. 

"Thudakkam maangalyam... thandunanena.... pinne jeevitham thumthananena...." Aripta was singing in her shower, as she was changing into her clothes and did not hear any commotion outside. Joseph walked into her room and undid his buttons and went to open the door. Arpitha was a second quicker as she quickly opened the door to reveal a man in front of her. She was well clothed, however the water droplets from her hair (which was tied up in a towel) was inching down the neck and wetting the neckline of her clothes. "Hi, sorry you should be Mathews uncle's son. Sorry, I took my sweet time. I will move aside and you can use the bathroom" Aripitha said with a smile and stepped aside. She quickly left the room and walked out into the living room. Everyone just looked at her and she excused herself to put her clothes into laundry. She came and introduced herself. "Hi I am Arpitha". Everyone stared at her for two seconds.  

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