11 Years ago....

3 0 0

"Keith I said no! Get down!" I could hear my step-parent yell at me to get down from the tree.  Even though my parents died in a car crash when I was small, this family took good care of me. I have been with theme since I was six years old, I am ten now so it has been four years.There is Samuel and Alex, my parents, and then there was Shiro, my older brother. Shiro is the best thing I could have, he plays with me and teaches me Jiu Jitsu and shows me how everything works.  He is studying to get into Garrisons Space Academy for Bright Minds. It is this big school filled with ships and gins and- 

"Keith if you don't get done right now I will beat you to death when I catch you!"  My dad yells at me to get done. I finally nod sticking my tongue out. When I get to the ground my dad slaps me on the back of the head. "I told you that you can not go up there! And what I say  'bout leaving the back of your head open!" My dad grabs me and swings me around like a doll. 

"Alex! Babe, put the child down! You gonna break him!" my dad calls from inside the house I can hear Shiro laughing.

"Never!" my dad grabs me and hugs me tightly.  Messing with my hair and teasing me.
"Shut up Shiro! Or I will make dad do this to you tooooo!" I scream at Shiro how is still laughing his head off. 

"Babe come on let's get ready for tonight!" My Dada Sam sings to my dad Alex once we are in the house. Shiro and I gag as for tonight is date night so me and Shiro are going to get dropped off at our friends house.

"What? I can't say that's how you two were made but it love children!" Father Sam was always lovey dovey with dad, even when dad told to shut up.

"Eww! OKay whatever!" Shiro gags some more and I follow. "Come on Keef, let's go get our stuff for tonight." I nod and follow him to our room. We lived in a small condo in Texas, it was not large but it fitted our family well. I may not remember much of my old parents but I know I love all my parents the same. I know they will never ever leave me. Then, I had a bad thought and Shiro noticed the face I made and asked me what was wrong. I told him it was nothing but he kept asking.

"Well, what if you guys leave me...." I say sadden by my own words.

"Aww Keith, You are a Kogane now! We will never ever ever times billion leave you! Dad and Dad love you, probably more than me!" Shiro giggles and I feel better though not completely.

"What if they leave how my parents did?" I asked starting to tear up and Shiro gave me a sadden look and hugged me.

"We will never know what may happen in the future but all we can hope for is the best. But I know for sure they will never ever, I swear!" Shiro holds out is pinky thump and we pink swear, stamp and all.

When we got all our stuff, it was time to leave to Lotors house. Lotor is a family friends son who comes and hangs out with Shiro, he has a younger sister named Acxa. She plays with me a lot and likes the same things I do so it is not hard to get along with her. We fistfight, knife fight,wrestle, play in dirt, and basically she is a tomboy and I like that. She once told me I was to girly and I told her to shut up no on asked for you to be a dude , then we fought and punched till Lotor and Shiro came out and stopped us. That was last week, it is gonna be really awkward....

"Come on kids! Into the car, I want your dad alone so I am the only one to call him 'daddy'" My Father Sams says as everyone, including my dad, gagged. Everyone ewww'ed him and told him to shut up. As we were pulling out into the drive way, I saw this tan kid with ocean like blue eyes, freckles and a pointy chin.He looked my age or younger and he had a band-aid on his left check. Ew, that kids cute and weird at the same time. He started to wave at us like a lunatic, I thought he was a crazy so I  did not say anything.

"Hey, isn't that kid out new neighbors?" Shiro asked and when both my dad looked he nodded then looked confused.

"Hey, Lill man," that what my dad called me when he wanted something. " do you know that kid? he seems to be waving at you..."

"Nope, I never saw that kid before..he is weird though." I say pulling out my video game player.

We were turning until the main road now so we could not see the little kid  , who was running toward us, anymore. Whatever, I turned on my video game player and it was on full blast volume and it distracted my parents and made them turn. Next thing I know I can't see anything...All I see is black!! Help me!! I see, the car spinning around and around, next a blue car driving straight towards us. Then black again....when I open my eyes..I see Sam and Alex covered in blood and Shiros face cut up along is his over his nose bleeding like there was no tomorrow. I got flashed backs of my old parents, lying there, just like that! No! No! Not thins again! No! Why!

Hey Guys! I am new here and I got a suggestions from one of my friends to do this cuz all of my crazy ideas XP

I hope it was okay! I am sure no one is going to read this but hey why not say thank you anyways! >^<

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