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Mephesto's POV
We used locating spells, looked around in old abondoned buildings and even asked the neighboors if they saw something weird...but nothing."Uh, what about the woods?" Nathaniel suggested."It's not safe." Ellen said."Yeah, but Talia is in danger. We need to save her now!" I said.

"If it is Praxina, then we need to put a wnd to this now!" Iris said determined."I geuss there's no stopping you." Ellen said.

Iris and Auriana stood up."Iris, Princess of Ephidia!" Iris said and she transformed, stunning for Nathaniel."Auriana, Princess of Volta!" Auriana said and once her transformation was completed, I quickly switched my clothes."Whoa, this is...Iris, you look beautiful." Nathaniel said googly eyed.

"Thanks." Iris said and she, Auriana and I made a portal to the woods leaving Ellen and Nathaniel behind.

We were finally in the woods and started to use our magic to look for clues or signs of Talia. We weren't in much luck until we heard a call for help."Let go of me!"

We followed the sounds of strugling and saw Talia and...Kyle?"Mephisto!" Talia shouted and I ran in and punched Kyle making him let go if Talia."Take her to a safe spot!" I shouted and Talia and Auriana came in and took her away. I got blasted in the process.

How the hell can Kyle do magic? I thought he's a human, isn't he? I barely doged his next attack which could of killed me. That's when I noticed a bracelet on his arm. Praxina...

"Prax! It's me! Mephisto, your brother! I'm alive, see! Stop this madness!" I shouted as Kyle started to come closer. He made another attack but I quickly brought up a wall using it as a shield only for it to disappear into pieces.

Suddenly all three of them were in front of me and Kyle was stuck inside a crystal."What just happen?" Auriana asked."Kyle is controlled by Praxina. I must find her and explain everything!" I said."Whoa, we don't even know where she is." Iris said."There is one place she'll be. The cave we used to...uh, you know." I said awkwardly.

"Wait. If Praxina is like this now, what will she do when she finds out we are dating?" Talia asked scared."I don't know, but I have to this alone. If she sees you then she won't listen." I said and Talia hugged me not wanting to let go...neither did I. I pulled her close to me."Please be safe." Talia said."I will. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay." She was about to let go of me but I pulled her back lightly and kissed her. Her muscles relaxed instantly and she kissed back.

Auriana and Iris worked on making a portal to go through. Ellen and Nathaniel helped getting the crystalized Kyle through."Talia, time to go." Iris said and Talia let go of me with a sad smile and went through the portal.

I quickly set my course to the cave where Praxina and I lived the pass few months now.

One hour later
The cave was in my sights and there I saw her. Praxina was crying in the corner of the cave behind the waterfall. I slowly went inside."Praxina." I said and she got startled and  shot my feet stuck to the ground."Mephisto? Is that you? How do I know the Princesses aren't tricking me!" She shouted.

"Prax, it's me. I promise." I said as I made the crystals at my feet disappear."But...I saw died."

"I survived. I teleported out just in time. I landed back on earth." I explained and I came closer making her take a step back."Just give me the's consuming you. You'll end up like Graymorr if you don't take it off." I said and got closer to her.

I was in arms distance when she pinned me to the floor."Prax, please! It's me!" I shouted. She just cried more."Why'd you do that!" Praxina shouted hitting my back."Because I love you! I don't want you dead. Graymorr was a mistake. We can start over clean and fresh, just take the mask off." I said and she stood up. I turned around and looked at her.

She looked at herself in misbelief. "Whaf am I doing? Who am I?" She said."You're my sister. Nothing in the world can change that." I said and I took the mask off when I was close enough to her. She looked dizzy and stumbled. I caught her and let her lay in my arms."I'm sorry." She said."It's okay, we all make mistakes." I said and she cried into my shirt. I let her as I rubbed her back with circular motions.

When she was done crying I picked her up inmy arms."Where are we going?" She asked."Uh, it's kinda hard to explain but the princesses found me in the woods and helped me." I said.


"That's who they are."

She rested her head on my shoulder as I flew to Iris's house."They'll hate me." She mumbled."They won't. They were worried about you." I said as I landed in the backyard. I opened the door with little difficulty but immediatly Talia stormed to me."Are you two okay?" She asked."We're fine, but the three of us need to talk." I said.

Praxina looked confused."Okay, this way." Talia said lead me to her room. I sat Praxina down on the bed."Praxina. There's something you should know." I started."Whatever it's okay." Praxina said."No, wait." Talia said.

"Mephisto and I" Talia said."What?" Praxina said shocked."Prax, the life we had...that wasn't right and this life is much more peaceful. Graymorr is gone. We are free." I said to her.

"I know. I see that now. I'm sorry too." Praxina said and she smiled.

"I'm happy for you, brother."

Talisto; If Mephisto was still hereWhere stories live. Discover now