The Fight

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I know this is one of the longest chapters so bare it but these next two chapters are crucial for the up coming series...Jake's return?

Matt's POV
It's been a couple of days now since I herd the big news. Ali and the family still don't know anything yet and it's so hard for me to keep my excitement in. Everyone's noticing my excitement and mom is pestering me about it, James too. Though making fun of me isn't helping cause I'm just sitting back and laughing with them knowing I have the biggest news of my life. I was sitting next to Ali in the chair writing down baby names that I hope Ali would love too. God, a baby, what will it be and will I be a good dad to them...fuck what am I going to do. Ali was sitting up eating and watching tv, she noticed my turmoil.. "hey you", she said in a raspy but louder tone, "I know that face, what's eatin ya?"
"Oh, ugh, nothing babe just thinking about a lot of shit, don't worry yourself"
"You dumbass I'm maybe tied up in bed at the moment but I'm still worried bout ya, you sleepin ok?"
"Yeah butterfly I'm fine"
"Ok so what ya writing down there huh?"
"Oh this just a list of names"
"Yeah racking my brain as to who could have done this to you, you know you're gonna have to tell the police what happened when you can talk better, I'm not gonna lie Ali it's going to hurt but I'm right here with you ok!"
"Oh, I know I'm just not ready to talk about it"
"I know butterfly, can you at least tell me who did this?"
"If I do Matt it'll only make the matter worse, and I don't want anyone getting hurt"
"Damn it Ali no one will get hurt except the week ass fucker who did this to you, I promise you that"
"I know Matt, if I tell you, can you keep it a secret just until I'm ready please"
"Of course babygirl, I cant promise I won't go after him myself but I promise to keep it locked"
"Ok" after a long shaken breath Ali finally said who did it...Jake and his fucking goons. Oh I was so pissed off all I saw was red. I sat with Ali, holding her tight in my arms until she was out cold. No soon after I called the people that could do something about it and told the doc who the culprits were. Dylan was the first on my list. "Sup man, how's Ali doin, does she know yet I can wait to see if sh..." "Dude would fucking shut it for 5 seconds man" I said "ugh yea bro, what's got you seein red all of a sudden?" "Look Ali just came clean on who did this shit to her, and I'm going to fucking kill him"
"Who the fuck did this man, I'm right next to you, I can't wait to get my hands on him just once for fucking up my girl" Dylan spat "I know but Dylan it's someone who you thought you could trust and I thought I could too"
"Fucking hell man who the fuck is it"
"Jake and his goons" silence filled the line
"Dylan man, I can't let him get away with this"
"The fuck, oh he won't I'll see him at practice in a bit and his world will be fucked up by me"
"Keep your cool bro, I want to get my hands on him, but I'm going to have back up with me, I'll be at practice today and he won't know what hit him, you think you can get Sarah to come here and keep Ali outta the loop?" "Fuck Yeah I can, you know Sarah, if there's a chance she can spend girl time with Ali she'll take it" we both laughed "Yeah I know, but hey make it clear she is not to know about anything, the pregnancy or what we are doing and she isn't to know who done it, come up with an excuse"
"Dude you going to practice is enough of one, she'll understand you need to let off some steam", "ok cool see ya in a bit then late" "yup later." After I called Dylan I opted to wait to talk to the parents until after all was said and done. My plan was flawless. I just needed to execute it and Jake won't know what hit him. I called Dustin, the local sheriff in town and explained to him what I learned. Told him that Ali would confess in her own due time but right now there was enough evidence to put Jake and his goons away for a very long time. The doctor confirmed my suspicions about it being Jake when he matched DNA samples together. Now all I needed to do was confront him.
"Hey butterfly, wake up for minute"
"I'm going to go to practice in a bit with Dylan, Sarah's coming to stay with you, and mom will be here later tonight, but I'll be back before then ok babe?", "Mmmm k, hey Matt before you go bring me scooby?" I laughed softly "yeah baby"
"Miss you already love you be careful please"
"I will, miss you too, now get some sleep butterfly, I love you" with that she curled up with scoob and was out like a light. I gave her forehead butterfly kisses and met Dylan outside. We decided to leave for practice early so we could talk to coach about the plan. Needless to say he was just as pissed and disappointed as we were. He knew there was nothing he could do, so coach turned his head when the time came for Dylan and I to bust up Jake. Practice was bout to start, Dustin and his back up wouldn't be there till the end of practice to pick up Jake and his 2 goons. "Ight d-dog you ready to do some bustin?" I said with a fat grin on my face "He'll fuckin Yeah bro" Dylan shouted. "Gather up pussies" I called to my team "look guys I know I've been gone, but I'm back like never before" as hoops and hollers praised the field "So today we are going to play hard ball, relieve some stress, anything goes, have fun but please fuckers no broken bones and no sprains can't have them before the big game, let's do this!" Everyone erupted in hoops and hollers and ran into formation. "Yo B Team hold up a sec" I said to a few guys "Look today coach is turning a blind eye" as they had a confused look "I can trust y'all right?" I said quietly in the huddle "Yeah man we with you all the way Cap!" "Good, here's the run down, evidence shows it was Jake, Roger and Steve that fucked up my girl Ali, worst part she's was rapped by them multiple times, Dylan and I are going to fuck em up before Dustin gets here to array them, what I'm askin from you is help with that but Jake is MINE, got it" with pissed off looks on their faces, "oh your on Captain, Rog and Steve are gonna pay bro, we're with ya all the way" they all agreed. "Alright guys go kick some ass!" I said. Cole is my running back, he pauses before we take the field, "Yo Matt hold up a sec."
"Yeah man" "Look I'm sorry about Ali, I can't believe Jake would do this he was supposed to help protect her man, but I'm here for you guys can't imagine what y'all are goin through, I got your back through and through"
"Thanks dawg, appreciate it means a lot" with a quick bro hug we took the field for some smashing. The team to care of roger and Steve while Dylan and I took care of Jake. Half way through practice we took a break. "What the fuck man" Jake hollered at us, "What Jake"
"Why you gotta work me so damn hard my muscles are straining I thought you and I were good?" Jake said walking next to Dylan to grab a drink "Hugh that ain't the only thing that's gonna hurt in a bit man, quit being a pussy and get your shit straight" Dylan said "man go fuck off" said Jake. The last run of practice I told Dylan I'm runnin the ball, straight into that bastard. "Alright bro got ya covered" Dylan said. "Green 52" I yelled, "set" I look up at Jake and noticed that Dustin was in view coming for him so nows my chance. "HIKE" I yelled tucking the ball and running straight for that fuckers face. As I ran, all I saw was red. I slammed into Jake so hard his helmet flew off. My turn I thought. I stopped grabbed Jake by the collar and started bashing his face in. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Jake yelled "NO YOU NEED TO LEARN YOUR LESSON!" I yelled back as Jake tried to defend himself. Everyone covered us in a circle and showered Jake with words. "WHAT THE FUCK GUYS, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Jake yelled again. I looked up to see Dustin running into the field with his two back-ups in tow. I took Jake by the color, got into his bloody face next to his ear and said, "Guess what Bitch karmas kicking you to jail today for years." Jake looked stunned so I continued, "Do you honestly think we wouldn't find out about what you and your goons did to my girl, see you forgot about DNA when you decided to cum inside her you son of a bitch, oh and to make it better for you, you'll be in jail so long that I'll be daddy to your baby!" I said with a sadistic smile. I threw him back onto the ground and let Dustin take over. "Jake Mathews, Roger Smalls and Steve Moore, you're under arrest for the molestation and attempted murder of Allison Green." Dustin continues to handcuff them and read them their rights as we all watched them get carted off to jail. After a quick shower, Dylan and I rushed back to Ali and Sarah. "Hey butterfly, how you feeling?" As I went over to hold my girl in my arms. "Hey boo boo, how was practice?" I look at her with one eyebrow raised, "boo boo, since when am I boo boo?" I said laughing "um since today, yeah since today" she said with a smile "ok butterfly you got it...practice was amazing by the way, right dydy?" I said smiling, the look on Dylan's face made us laugh so hard we cried. Sarah slipped up as they were about to leave, "come on uncle dydy, I need to go get something's for Ali, we'll be back girl" as she reached down and gave her a hug as I gave her the death stare. She looked up at me and gave me a sorry for the slip look and brushed it off. Ali didn't hear her say uncle, thank god and hugged Sarah and Dylan bye. About an hour later our parents showed up and it was time tell them. "How's my baby girl?" Jane asked with my mom following right behind her. "And my boy, aw Jane bug look as those two, there so cute." Mom said "ugh mom really", smiling down at Ali. A gave her a kiss and left her with the moms. "I'll be back babe, I need to talk to dad and James for a sec...guy talk." Ali scrunched up her nose making the cutest face. "Fine, go have some guy time and while your at it grab me some food, I'm starving"
"You got it butterfly" as I grabbed my dads arms out the door. "What's up son" my dad asked. I took in a deep breath "It's ok Matt, we're all men here, you can tell us anything, we're here for you" said James
"Thanks, ok so we have some big news, Ali doesn't know yet and she will in a few minutes. This is going to change life as we know it"
"Son stop beating around the bush, it's better to just spit it out", "Yeah dad, but everything that's happened in the last 24 hours has been stressful and a relieve"
"I get it matt, but your dads right just tell us, it's wiser and easier"
"Ok here goes, first off Ali's pregnant..."
"Wait repeat that" said James, just as the Doc walked up "Ah, I guess a congratulations is in order, grandpa." Doc said "Matt imma murder you if...", "woah woah, Mr. Green, Matt has been so cooperative, but rest assured he is not the father, the bastard that rapped your daughter is confirmed to be the dad. Ali's a month along in her pregnancy and we have taken extra precautions in her medications and evaluations." Doc confirmed. James let out a breath and sat down. "My baby girl is having a baby" I sat down next to James "believe me when I herd the news I was the same way, but I'm here to tell you, dad, it's not mine but I'm going to be there as if it was. I made a promise to your daughter and I refuse to break it sir."
"Matt, I'm sorry I blamed you, and yeah it's going to be hard knowing what happened, but son you have done so much for Ali, this is something Jane and I need to take care of"
"Forgive me sir, but Fuck that, I have just as much right to be there for Ali as you guys do and I'm not letting up"
"Ok Matt, quit being so stubborn and thick headed right now" dad said
"Sorry but I'm not letting Ali do this alone, that bastard deserves to know what he did and see what he created but never gets to see, I'll be damned if he ever gets out and comes after Ali and that innocent child!"
"Wait, gets out....Matt what else do you know?" James asked " Oh because Doc and I have been working together and Ali told me in secret, so please don't say anything about this just yet, but the people who did this are now in jail."
"Ok so who was it" dad asked
"Jake, Roger and Steve" I said shaking a little with rage
"And this is confirmed?" Asked James. "Yeah it's confirmed, weird thing about DNA dad..." as I looked at him. With red eyes James looked at me with so much pride and appreciation "thanks son" is all he needed to say and I gave him a hug and a nod. "Now, grandpa" I started with a nudge to his shoulder, "how bout we pull the moms out here and I'll fill them in while the doc looks Ali over. With a nod from James, dad went in to go grab mom and Jane. "What is so important that you had to dra..." Jane stopped in her tracks looking at James. "What's wring dear?" Jane asked "Sit babydoll, we have some BIG NEWS to talk to you about, you to Mary, you need to sit" Mom obliged and sat down. "Matt son, you want to the honors since I'm still in sho.." "hey James I got, momma Jane, before I say this, know, Ali does NOT know and it wasn't me ok?", "pardon me but for fucks sake Matt spit it out" Jane said
"What, is everyone like this, damn" as I laughed a little, "Well we need to get the guest room cleaned out and ready for the newest addition to the family...Ali's a month pregnant." I said with a hiss. "WHAT!" Both say in unison then the hall erupted in one happy scream.
"Aaaahhhh!" The moms are screaming and crying happy tears.... "ok better than I took it" said James. Dad and I just looked at each other and laughed till our bellies hurt, James joined the laughter while the moms did a dance in the hall. We all shook our heads and said in unison... "women." Doc came out a moment later, "and now everyone knows except the one who is pregnant", "I'm on that Doc, dad keep them distracted long enough for me to tell her"
"You got it son", "Thanks" I made my way in to see a bright eyed, beautiful girl sitting up eating like a horse. Laughing I told her, "you know that food isn't going anywhere, you should take your time so you don't loose it in a bit", "ugh I can't help it I feel like I'm starving all the time", I hissed, "Yeah about that, baby we need to talk", "oookkk, Matt what's up", "No Ali this is serious", Ali stops eating and moved her tray to the side patting the bed for me to cuddle with her. I maneuvered behind her and let her lean against my chest, to help with the news, I slowly wrapped my arms around Ali's stomach and laid my hands on her abdomen. "Better" I whispered into her ear, "Yes, now tell me the news", "ok Ali, you know how you've been throwing up a lot since you have been awake, hungry as a horse, and horny all the time?"
"Mmmhmm", "Well butterfly, your pregnant" Ali froze stuff as a bored, squeezing my hands as they lay on her abdomen. "Ali babe, it's going to be ok, I'm taking over dad duties, this baby is going to become mine, I'm not leaving your side for one second, we will get through this together." I said with tears springing from my eyes. "I love you Ali, and that bastard is gonna pay, it's confirmed it's his child but in no way is he going to have anything to do with it, I promise you that". Slowly Ali starts to relax. She's crying like me and I just hold her tight. "I know baby, I know". I rock her slowly in my arms then hear, "so that explains the screams in the hallway" in Good nature Ali started laughing. I'll admit, it was contagious as I burst with laughter too. "Yup", we looked at each other, "I'm not going anywhere"
"Together?" She asked "Together baby always"
"Ok Matt challenge excepted" she said with a grin. She turned around more so we were eye to eye and what she said next threw me for the biggest loop of all. "Hey babe", "Yeah butterfly" as I tucked her hair behind her ear. "I've been wondering, if this bed squeaks!" She said with a mischievous of all grins. And I just look dumb founded. "Maybe try it out before I leave?", "Damn it butterfly, you start this now, mom and dad are right outside, and I haven't done anything for release since that night, I'm all backed up.", "Soooo, a quickie after they leave then?" I looked at my big brownies twinkling with lust as I growled that low guttural growl..."fuck Ali, you are bad" smiling, I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "challenge excepted baby, oh it's on...feel me?", "ooh Matt, glad I'm sitting in front of you to hide that."we both laughed as I drew her in for a long passionate kiss.

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