Show you our love || LAMPT

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The Sides love each other very much, but they are quite surprised to see that Thomas was still a Virgin. They all plan to give their Host something pleasurable, show him how much they care for him.

First time / Fivesome / Oral sex / Blowjobs / Sexual language / Filling up / Blind folding

Top and Bottom:
Roman - Top
Virgil - Top/Bottom  [I mean..c'mon]
Patton - Top
Logan - Top/Bottom
Thomas - Bottom

All the POV is Thomas, there is no eyesight of the other sides view ^^

The sides have all been in a relationship, however, they can't say that love has grown beyond the Land of imagination: All the sides have talked about them falling for their precious host: Thomas.

The sides have constantly daydreamed of the things he wants to do:

Patton wanting to speak sexually in his ear until Thomas's flustered and aroused.

Virgil wanting to touch and roam around the pale body, touch him on every part that he could.

Logan wanting to suck him off and bring him close to an organism.

Roman wanting to fuck him slow and soft, then quick an hard.

They all daydreamed about that, however, smirks entered the room as they all gave one another a glance: They were going to give their host one hell of a night.

[12:00 AM]

Thomas was in the kitchen doing the dishes after a party was made, Joan and Tylan making it of course, and listened to the classical music that played on his radio. He then jumped to feel a pair of arms wrap around his waist and ahead to lay on his shoulder. He could catch his eyes on some curls and instantly knew it was Patton. "Oh, hey Pat! How's it going?," He asked as Patton let out a small chuckle and slowly leaned his face on his neck, causing the host to blush gently, "Oh nothing, we just need you for something~" He replied.

This caused curiosity to spark inside of him as Patton leads him into a dark room. "Patton, I can't see-," He started before jumping to have someone blindfold him, "W-What?" He asked as he felt someone kiss up to his neck, causing him to moan quietly. "Shhh, no words come out of your mouth tonight, Thomas~ Only sweet moans and groans tonight~" The male spoke, recognizing the voice to be Virgil. He went to speak again until Virgil bit his soft spot, causing a sweet moan to come out. He could feel Virgil's hands go up and roam under his shirt as someone else pulled off his clothing, Virgil moving his hands to help.

He whimpered as he felt a pair of lips press gently into his. "Shhh, it's okay, just let it happen, hun~" another male spoke, also recognizing it to be Logan. He blushed as he heard knees hit the floor and his pants to come down, soon joining his boxers. He gasped as he felt a warm and wet cave wrap around the tip of his hard cock and warm hands stroking the base, causing him to arch and moan. He felt Virgil's hand coming back to roam his body, sometimes helping Logan with the stroking. He thought that it was just going to be this until feeling a hot breath being blown in his ear. "Mm, Thomas~ If you can only see~ Virgil's hands roaming and caressing every part of your pale body~, Logan taking more and more of you in his hot, wet mouth while getting himself off~, And Roman pumping himself and getting ready to fuck the sweet unused hole~" Patton whispered sexually to Thomas, causing the host to moan at the pleasure being all around him.

He then gasped louder whenever he felt someone held his hips, causing a whimper from Logan below. "Oh shush, Logan, you had some of your fucks ~" He heard Roman spoke, causing a groan from Logan, who was still continuing his actions. He can feel Roman place himself on Thomas's hole as he let out another whimper in fear. He heard a slap and a yelp as the hands were released. "Be careful, know this is his first time..." He heard Virgil speak, even if in sex or any occasion, he would still care for Thomas. He heard a sigh and soon blushed as the hands returned to his hips as he felt Roman push himself inside. Thomas let out a high whimper as Roman stopped and the other tried to distract Thomas from the pain.

"Y-You can go..Ro..." Thomas whispered as he felt Roman pull back before pushing back in, going slow. He then started to moan louder as Roman went faster and harder, causing Logan to choke and starts sucking harder with Roman. His body was filled with nothing but love and pleasure as he felt a warm feeling come in his stomach area. "Ngh..w- ahh~ -warm~," He told them as he heard Patton come, "Aww, our little host is close~" He replied as the actions of the other went faster, trying anything they can to get Thomas to cum. However, that's when everyone broke. Logan cumming on the carpet as he let a moan vibrate on Thomas's cock, Thomas cumming inside of Logan's mouth, Patton..well he didn't cum but recommend as well as Virgil, and Roman came inside of Thomas, filling him up to the brim.

They all pulled off as Thomas held his stomach in pain and allowed one of them to take off the blindfold to come off. "Roman! You filled him up too much!" He heard, turning to see a sweaty Roman and Virgil slightly arguing. However, the pain lowered lightly as Logan held him bridal style and layed him on the bed, cuddling beside him. "Are you okay, hun?" Logan asked Thomas, who nodded in reply. The others soon joined as they cuddled one another. "Thomas, would you like to be our boyfriend?" Patton asked as Thomas gave a weak smile and nodded. They all seemed relieved as they cuddled close. Thomas never forgot that night.

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