When I was in the darkness
You're the only one
Who escaped me from hopeless
You're my number one
You're like my flashlight
Which enlightened my way
Every day and every night
You showed me the right way
I can't vocalize my feelings
When I think about you
You provide me joy and good feeling
I wonder what I would do without you?
You're my first and last love
Sincerely and without remorse
You taught me how to love
In any race you're always be my best horse
Flashlight147 is fond of you 💑💏💕💞💗
Love Electrique 🔌
PoesiaC'est une histoire qui va vous couper le souffle car s'agissant d'un melange hèterogene d'amour, tristesse, joie, peine etc... Rappelez que toute oeuvre est coin de creation vu à travers un tempérament Bonne lecture Tous droits réservés