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I woke up confused again. I didn't move right away, I just stared at the ceiling trying to figure out where I was or what I was doing. The last thing I remember was having some really weird dreams. It wasn't long before I figured it out, the fact that I still felt like shit being a pretty big clue.

I pressed my hand up against my forehead, sighing in relief when I realized I didn't feel as warm as I felt last night. However, my body was stiff and sore and my nose was still stuffed. I slowly sat up in bed and stretched. I felt weak and my head felt foggy. It wasn't until I moved that I realized I was hungry as hell. It was dark, I could see the moon shining through my window. I cursed to myself after realizing how messed up my sleeping schedule must be now. I hated being sick.

I turned to see Tord fast asleep, leaning on his hand which was propped up on my desk. He had the chair turned so he could face me. I rolled over in bed immediately, clearly still asleep and dreaming. Except I was definitely awake. I got up again and gawked at him. What the hell was he doing? I was too shocked to move or say anything. Was he watching me sleep? I looked at the clock, it was ten at night. I was out for a long time. How long has he been here?

It took me a few times to speak, my throat was scratchy and hadn't been used in a minute. Once I had managed to call his name a few times, Tord jumped a little and he began to rub his eyes. We stared at each other for a moment in silence. "Morgen." He muttered, before yawning and stretching his back. Still in a state of shock, I just kept staring at him. "What did you need?" He asked, voice still heavy from sleep. "What?" I questioned, confused. "You called for me. Edd said."

I sat up in bed to fully face him. I tried to process what he was saying, I never called for him. I thought I was acting delirious but I was starting to think it was him. He gave me a questioning look and I realized I needed to respond. "No I didn't?" I didn't mean for it to come out sounding like a question, but I was starting to wonder if I really did. I don't remember how I got to bed and I only vaguely remember speaking to Edd. Did I really ask for him? I feel myself start to turn red at the thought. Before I know what's happening, Tord is reaching out and placing the back of his hand onto my forehead. "You don't feel hot anymore." He hummed. "Must have been delirious Tom." He took his hand away, but I could feel it linger. I tried to push away the feeling of disappointment.

Suddenly it hit me, I did ask for him. And he came. He fell asleep waiting for me to wake up and tell him what I requested him for. He could've left once he realized I was asleep, but he didn't. Something in my chest fluttered and I resisted the urge to clutch at the fabric of my shirt that covered my chest. There was no way he was being this nice. It had to be some sort of trick. Maybe I was still asleep after all. Tord got up, causing me to snap my head back towards him. "Where are you going?" I blurted out, not in control of my own mouth. He turned to me, looking surprised. However, his surprise quickly turned to a smirk. "What's the matter? What does poor sick Tom need me for?"

I was suddenly very thankful for the dark, and the fact that my red face was not illuminated by the moonlight. But Tord was bathed in it. I would have never admitted it sober before, but Tord was attractive. The very definition of a handsome devil. It has crossed my mind before, usually fueled by alcohol and thought when we weren't fighting at the moment. I cursed at the fact that he still looked good despite just waking up after being asleep in a very awkward position for god knows how long. It took me hours after waking up to look human again. "Shut up." I blurted out after a suspicious amount of dumb silence. In that moment I decided to be brave and question him.

"Why did you stay here all night if I was asleep?" I asked. "I didn't mean to." He shrugged. "I thought you'd wake up and spit it out sooner." That made sense. He began to turn around and make his way towards the door again. Suddenly I realized again how hungry I was, and began to get up to follow him. I coughed as I forced myself up, but I didn't feel like I was gonna collapse. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I just assumed he wanted to know why I was getting up, and struggled to spit out "Need food" between coughs. He nodded and made his way downstairs slowly, occasionally glancing back at me. It took me a while to get to the kitchen, but it oddly made me feel better that Tord was watching. It was almost like he cared that I could black out again. Did he?

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