Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Camp was set up between the ships. Questions regarding the odd vessel arose, but O'Hara maintained it was nothing special. His old crew was glad to have him back and even happier to finally have a meet and greet with Thewls.

Day and Roberts met up to discuss recent events. Nandy and Swain stuck around their new Thewlish friends while occasionally chastising the scientists for a lack of manners. Conversations revolved around missing crewmembers, the Lokian threat, and what the future held.

Hours into R and R, and O'Hara felt both relieved and exhausted. Glossing over recent tribulations wasn't his thing, so he told everyone to bug Fitzpatrick and DeReaux. The two didn't seem to mind anyway.

Chilly winds had settled over the area, making golden-green and reddish foliage dance. Thick, black shadows reached across the ground. Everything was as close to pleasant as possible, homey, even.

Admiral Lay came from the Phoenix, Yon trailing behind him. The captain looked from him to the agents. They were relaxing in chairs, but remained silent, stoic.

"Glad to see you join us, Sir," O'Hara said.

"Even this old Navy dog enjoys some down time," Lay smiled.

"Everything alright?" the captain glanced at Yon, who was trying to get away from Humans, albeit politely.

"Everything's fine," he replied, and motioned with his head to walk. They went just out of earshot. "Are you ready for this?"

"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"No...I suppose you don't. I won't lie to you, son; if you fail, we'll probably have to leave Eon colony to fend for itself while we protect others, like the Alpha colonies."

"Why? Why would you abandon a new colony and its people?"

"Don't you see," Lay chuckled. "There aren't many people here, but the other colonies, the Alphas, Century...even Earth; they'll need help to stave off an invasion. Let the Lokians take Eon, and let the Thewls and Yvlekesh handle it."

O'Hara was in disbelief. Why Lay was acting so calloused was beyond his comprehension. For a second, he stared at the ground, trying to figure out the angle.

"I can't fail...."


"You have to protect our home world, make sure it isn't destroyed, because if it is, we'll wind up a fraction of our race."

"Like what's happened to Thewls. I'm glad you get it. Say, there's someone I want to introduce you to."

They made the walk back to the Phoenix. O'Hara overheard Roberts and Day. They held hands and expressed their grief, wishes, and recent adventures. Roberts smiled and saluted her superiors. The admiral didn't so much as glance her way, but the captain saluted; he missed his old squad. They were analogous to simpler, happier times.

Just inside the loading zone, sitting by a table laden with food and drinks, a middle aged black captain stood and saluted. Lay returned it. O'Hara and Captain Bragg looked each other over.

"You must be the young O'Hara," Bragg said as he held his hand out.

O'Hara shook hands. Bragg's skin hung a little off his face, making his throat jiggle from the pleasantries. He had the appearance of a battle hardened man. His gray stubble and wrinkled eyes gave him a subtle air of malevolence countered only by his clean, warm smile.

"Yes, Sir. Good to meet you. How's the ship holding up," O'Hara asked.

"Quite well, I must say, though I'd love to hear about your travels if you don't mind."

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