How You Meet

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You were walking down the street on a hot summer day, listening to 'Skinny Love' on your iPhone.

You had a white blouse, whose sleeves were rolled up, a brown belt, and jean shorts.Your feet were covered by low converse. On your head, your h/c hair was covered by a hat (fedora style), and your e/c eyes were hidden behind cool sunglasses.

You were on your way to Disney's recording studio.When you got there, you smiled at everyone. Stepping into the studio, you grabbed your guitar and started to play the so called 'Bless Myself' for a movie, in which Lucy Hale was starring. You still had to finish writing the song.

You smiled. The song was finished. You played it one more time to make sure it made sense and happy with the result, ran out to call Lucy, who was recording 'Make You Believe' which was of course, done.

Thomas' POV
I finished recording, Ferb's voice, even though he speaks 1% of time. I was about to leave, when I came across an enchanted voice. It was beautiful. I followed it, trying to find the source of it, but then, all of the sudden, it stopped.
I kept on moving, trying to find the owner from the voice. I found myself in an empty studio, with a guitar. I looked around and gave up.

As I walked through the street and heard a voice, the same I heard on the studio. I ran to it and found myself in a small square, full of people. I weaved my way through the people and made it to the front line.

In the centre was a girl with h/c locks, and bright e/c eyes. She had a guitar and played song after song. Strangely, she didn't have anything so that the audience could give her money, but people did anyways. They left their coins near her.

"Thanks for everything. I have no need for your money, but I hope I can help other people with it." she finished.

Kids clapped the longest. She bowed and the families left quickly. I waited for her and when she finished, she saw me. Her smile widened. I took a step closer.

"You were great."
"Thanks. Thomas Sangster, correct?" she asked.
"Yeah. And might I know the name of you lady I'm talking to?"
"Hm, no." she giggled.
"Try to find out!" she laughed and left.

-TIME SKIP (to next day)-
I entered the studio, just as Ross Linch came out.

"Hey there, Tommy."
"Hi Ross. Say, do you by any chance know a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah. Her name's Y/N. She writes most of the songs here. Why?"
"Oh, no big deal."
"Ooh, Thomas is in LOVE!"

I rolled my eyes, said goodbye and entered. There stood Lucy Hale and Y/N. They seemed to be talking about something important. I smirked and took a step closer to them.

"Hey, Y/N. Can I talk to you?"
"You already are." she laughed.
"I gotta go." the dark haired actress nearby said.
"So, who told you my name?" Y/N asked, after Lucy had left.
"Um, nobody?"
"Okay. But I bet it was Ross." she smirked.

My jaw dropped open. She laughed and held her stomach.

"I knew it!"

I ended up laughing too. She got rid of some tears escaping her eyes from laughing. We locked eyes.

"So, um, do you have any plans for tonight?"
"No. I suppose you wanna hang out?" my expression must have said yes. "I'd love to. Care to meet up in yesterday's square?"

Note: hi I'm back.
Now time for the long story short.
I forgot my password sounds cool.
O by the way ignore my other a counts that are
- Anainthemazerunner

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now