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(Sequel to How You Met)

You waited for your "date" in front of a fancy restaurant. After fifteen minutes, you heard your phone ring, and picked up. It was an "unknown" number.

"(Y/N)?" Thomas asked.
"Thomas? Who gave you my number?" you asked, kinda knowing the answer.
"Some blonde guy that appears in Austin and Ally. Whose name is-"
"Ross Lynch," you finished.

He laughed and you smiled. It was getting late and you had to ask him.

"Where in the world are you?"
"Right behind you."

You turned around and saw him standing, leaning on a chair from the restaurant. He wore a white T-shirt, and black jeans.

"Took you long enough," you fake complained.
"I was standing here the whole time!" he said.

You two laughed. Then, he took you to his car and you two where of, talking happily about your life. After what seemed nothing, he stopped and you looked out.

"A carnival?"
"Yeah. Thought you'd like it."

You squealed and ran out, without waiting for the boy.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said.

You went to every ride you saw. He even got you a stuffed animal and cotton candy! You were smiling brightly and having so much fun. When you were about to leave, you spotted the most beautiful ride you had ever seen.

A carrousel.

Sure, you had seen many carrousels, but this one was so full of colors, so many animals to ride on, or even just stand. You stopped and looked at it. Then you pulled Thomas to the colorful ride.

"The carrousel?"

You gave him puppy eyes and he sighed. After paying the two tickets, you climbed on a white horse. Thomas sat next to you on a black one.

"This is so great!"
"Glad you liked it."

The ride started and you only saw a pool of colors. You laughed and let go of the horse. It was like flying. You felt free and happy.

Carried by your emotions, you grabbed Thomas's hand. He blushed a little, but you didn't notice. You were too busy enjoying yourself.

After you got off, you were laughing so much and still hadn't let go of Thomas's hand. He pulled you to the car and you looked at him.

Maybe it was the bright Moon, or the fact that you were happy-go-lucky. Anyways, you both leaned in and when your lips met his, you felt you heart flutter.

His arms grabbed you cheeks while yours held his. You broke apart and looked up at him. Smiling, you stood on your tippy-toes and whispered in his ear:

"This has been the best day any girl could ever dream of. Thank you."

Thanks to @iambloodyinspired

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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