Chapter 1 (REWRITTEN)

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*Chapter One*

The light protruding from the open window awoke the sleeping girl, her 'strawberry blonde' hair being illuminated by the slowly brightening sunlight. She forced her hazel eyes open, immediately squinting at the harsh, uninterrupted lighting and groaning at the presence of her brother outside of her bedroom dour, pounding his fist rhythmically against it.

The girl rose from her modest bed, ignoring the empty space in her sisters bed, and flung the door open, appeasing her twin Ron. After seeing his sister conscious he ran back down the many stairs to the welcoming smell of breakfast wafting up from the occupied kitchen. She followed, deciding that breakfast was a bigger priority than the half-packed trunk lying in the middle of her floor and the various necessities strewn around it.

Seated around the large kitchen table was five of her seven siblings, her older brothers Charlie and Bill having previously vacated the family home. Arthur Weasley sat at the head of the table, watching the rest of his brood over the top of his newspaper. He was a slightly stodgy man, tall enough and deeply proud of his work and family. He ran the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and was more than content with his line of work, often bring it home with him in the form of various muggle objects such as batteries and rubber ducks. Lining the table was some of his children; the first set of twins Fred and George to his right, and on his left sat Ginny, Percy and Ron, a seat opposite Ron left empty for his twin sister. Opposite the patriarch was a vacant seat, the seat of his wife who was currently fussing over the overly indulgent breakfast in the cluttered kitchen. Molly Weasley, similar to her husband, was rounder than average, a small women with an immense amount of love in her heart for her family. All of the Weasley's sport the signature ginger hear, the bright orange colour being a hereditary trait in not only the Weasley family but the Prewett clan also, his wife's family.

The absent family member finally emerged from the staircase, slightly red in the face from the sheer amount of stairs she had concurred already that morning. As soon as she had settled in her assigned seat her plate was piled high with various breakfast foods by her mother.

After sitting for a few minutes without touching her food and a vacant stare on her face, the day-dreamer was forced out of her day dream.

'Eleanor, eat." Demanded Mrs Weasley, well aware that without prompt her eldest daughter would not do anything. It wasn't idleness, it was the amazing yet concerning ability to fade away into her mind, oblivious to the world around her. She spent her life being reminded to do the simplest of things due to her ability to completely disappear within herself for hours upon end.

The use of her full name succeeded in pulling her out of her reverie , much preferring the affectionate nicknames given to her by her family of 'El' of 'Nora', even 'Len' was better to her than the name that graced her birth certificate.

An hour or so later, all of the families trunks were bundled into the boot of the ministry-assigned car. Eleanor leaving behind an atrocious mess on the floor of her shared room, almost feeling bad for her sister but holding her sanity as more important than the time her sister would have to spend to make the room liveable again, never mind presentable.

Looking up at her family home, Nora felt a pang of sadness over the fact that she would not be returning to the place that she grew up in for 11 years of her life for over a year. The Burrow towered above her, the disjointed windows and wonky walls making the place unusual to look at but also home.

With a tight hug and a whispered warning to behave, her father had left for work. The remaining Weasleys left for King's Cross, an air of excitement hanging in the car.

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