Five(1) part 2

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One day later

I feel like shit.
Why have I done this?
Why do I do this shit?

Yesterday, I killed myself to try and get rid of all this pain but little did I know being dead hurt even more than being alive. Seeing how much pain I had caused hurt more than I thought. Five hasn't talked to anyone since yesterday and won't look at anyone. Ben and Klaus are ignoring me and everyone else is just sad and limp looking. I've never felt worse than this and I just want to talk to five but obviously I can't do that, he's not Klaus. Maybe if I find Dad he could help me, but I don't know where he'd be. I assumed he'd be in his office but he's not, I've looked everywhere in this damned house and I haven't found him it's like he fucking disappeared.

This whole being dead thing is worse than living, the only recognition I've had is when Klaus gave me a nasty look an hour ago.
"Klaus, please just fucking talk to me. I'm sorry what else do you want me to fucking say!" I screamed. Klaus finally looked up at me and as he walked over to me he burst into tears,
"I don't want you to say anything to me, Five deserves an apology not me I can see you you're still here for me but he can't see you and listen to your endless whining!"
"Well how do you expect me to do that, you're the one with the weird ghost powers surely you can like translate." I replied.
"Translate? You're not speaking fucking Spanish! Anyways, they wouldn't believe me they know I have to be sober for that shit.'' Klaus said walking to his closet and pulling out a Ouija board and and carrying it towards Five's room.
"You can't be serious."I asked.
"Can't I?"Klaus replied, rapidly knocking on Five's door before swinging open the door and waltzing inside.
"I didn't say you could co- what is that?" Five said rolling in his bed. He looked awful his hair was everywhere, his pillow was visibly soaked and his eyes were raw and puffy. All of this distraught madness was my fault. By the time I was paying attention again Klaus was convincing Five to use the spirit board.
"Why would I use that thing they're bullshit and even if they aren't I doubt she'll talk to us Klaus."
"She will, just trust me on this one!" He pleaded.

Once they were both set up and had their hands on the planchette Klaus gave me a look and I went and sat with them putting my hands on aswell . Five asked the first question, "Am I speaking to (Y/N)?" I looked up at Klaus before moving the planchette to YES. Holy shit, they actually work would you look at that. I looked up at Five to see he had started crying again.
"I'm sorry, this was my fault wasn't it?" NO.
"Well whose fault was it then?"
I G-O-T  J-E-A-L-O-U-S.
"Of who?"
"Oh I'm sorry.Are you like actually here in my room?"
"Did you know that I love you when you did it?"
I watched as the guilt washed through him as he looked around the room, he quite obviously couldn't see me but he still tried.
"Where are you? Why can't I see you?"
T-H-A-T-S  N-O-T  H-O-W  T-H-I-S  W-O-R-K-S.
"But that's not fair, Klaus gets to see you!"
Y-E-S  B-U-T  H-E  D-O-E-S-N-T 
W-A-N-T  T-O.
"Wh- Five that's not true I swear!" Klaus said nervously.
"Why don't you want to see her she is gone and I would do anything to see her and you're over there knowing you're the only one that can see her and you're not even greatful!?"Five shouted.
"I'm sorry okay but you haven't had to listen to her shouting and whining nonstop for hours!" Klaus said whilst giving me a side eye.
"Me and her were stuck in the middle of an apocalypse for decades and then we worked together for years more and not once did I get tired of waking up and seeing her face and hearing her voice!" Five retorted, his voice shaking and cracking, " I love her and I have for the past 50 years!"
"Okay jeez calm down!"
S-T-O-P  F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G.
Klaus looked me dead in the eyes and leaned forwards, "fuck you." He said before walking out of the room and heading toward the academy doors.

Five turned to face me trying his best to look at me based on where klaus had looked.
"(Y/N), I'll fix this I'll find a way to bring you back, I promise."
I  B-E-L-I-E-V-E  Y-O-U.
"Well that's good."
"I'm tired, but I don't want to sleep without waking up to you."
I  W-I-L-L  S-T-I-L-L  S-E-E  Y-O-U 
A-N-D  I  W-I-L-L  B-E  H-E-R-E.
" I won't see you."
I-F  Y-O-U-R  P-L-A-N  G-O-E-S 
R-I-G-H-T  Y-O-U-L-L  S-E-E  M-E 
"That's true, goodnight (Y/N), I love you."
I  L-O-V-E  Y-O-U  T-O-O.

Five stood up from the board and crawled into his bed slightly smiling and then looking towards the chair next to his bed, taking the hint I went and sat in it. Five watched the cushion noticeably dent and and closed his eyes drifting to sleep seconds later.

Well, maybe I didn't fuck up as much as I thought. He loved me this whole time.

Hello! Um some people asked for a part two and I weirdly like this storyline and might make a book out of it :)

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