My Own Personal Hell

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Hey guys! I just felt I should warn you about the multiple homophobic slurs that may disturb some readers. I cringed while writing them...

Oh and I met Misha Fucking Collins in Chicago last weekend no biggy.

Just kidding it's a very big biggy.

That was the best experience of my life.

And when he hugged me I think I died.

He was so nice and sweet and unbelievably amazing.

I can't believe I actually met Misha Collins though.

I met the Meesh.


Anyways, I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

. . . . .

"Anna was Castiel's sister."

The words pounded throughout my skull as I attempted to take them in.

Anna was his sister.

His sister.

Shock pulsed thoughout my body, seeming to paralyze me in that exact moment.

He lost his sister.

He lost his Sammy.

Right in the middle of this moment of realization, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I blinked once, twice before I even processed that someone had texted me. I studied the polished wooden floor beneath my feet, before deciding to head up to my room.

"Dean?" I heard Sam call to me as I made my way down the hall across the room.

He probably would've ran after me if it weren't for the sobbing Jess that he held close to him.

I made my way up the spiral stairs at the end of the hall, climbing them at a zombie like pace; each step was a struggle. I automatically stopped at the third floor before entering my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I pulled out my phone to see if the text I had received was urgent or not.

Haha, nice. I'll get on that right away.

The text from Benny read, leaving me wondering just what he was replying to. I unlocked my phone, my eyes widening at the obviously drunken string of texts I had sent last night.

Yo Benmyster killr party huh?

Where'd ya go?

Nevrmind I found ya

Heyyyyyy Benmy. Castiel iz a fagg js.

I'm gettin laid tonight baby!!!!!

My mouth fell open at the words I had previously typed, guilt immediately tearing through me at what I had revealed. I was bisexual and everyone knew it, but having no attraction to girls whatsoever was a big deal at our high school apparently. Lesbians were acceptable, but only because that was considered to be extremely hot. It was all screwed up and wrong, but that's just how it is.

You know what, let's just drop it. The kids got enough to deal with, losing his sister and all.

I typed at a rapid fire pace, trying my best to convince Benny to call it off and attempting to seem unaffected at the same time. I threw my phone onto my bed, mentally trying to calm myself down, I was only worked up over this because it concerned Jess anyways. It's not like I gave two shits about Castiel, right?

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