Ch. 3 Ancient sisters

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 Sora's POV:

"NO WAY!!!" Exclaimed Yolie as we see our old enemy daemon! "How did you get back i thought we sent you the dark ocean!" shouted Davis. "I told you I'll be back now i came for what i wanted" Daemon said looking at me I demorphed before i left. "You'll haft to get though me first!" shouted Tai getting infront of me. I was completely alert i looked down at my shappire colored watch It was only used in emergencies. This was definitely an emergency so I tapped the emergency watch on the and Laney answered. "What wrong Shiato?!" Laney said alerted I was about to answer when I saw Tai go flying into a pole near by me. "TAI!!!!" Shouted everyone including me. "Hold on were on our way!!" said Laney and with that the call was disconnected. Izzy brought our digimon here and they digivolved into there ultimate/Meag forms for the younger DD there digimon went into there DNA forms. We ran up to Tai to make sure he was ok. "Tai are you ok?!" i said scared that he wasn't but his eyes fluttered open. "Ya I'm ok Sora i just wanted you to be safe I wont lt him take you or anyone here." said Tai shocking me and the others. "ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!!" Shouted Daemon. "EVIL INFERNO!!!!!!" Shouted Daemon. the blast was aiming for me Tai got in front ready to protect me by getting hit with the blast. Suddenly, "DRAGON RUSH!!!!!!!" A golden dragon came out of no where and shot a blast of light a the move destroying it. "TWIN CICLE BEAM!!!!!" "FIRE BLASTER!!!" "ECLIPCE BEAM!!!" "KINDNESS OF LIGHT!!" "ELEMENTAL STRIKE!!!!" "VORTEX BLAST!!!" "ICE WOLF BLAST!!!" "STAR SHOWER!!!" "HEAVENS CHARM". All the moves hit Daemon he stumbled back and landed on a construction site knocking down the build. "YEAH!!" a voice shouted. everyone including me covered my ears then I said "Nyru your too loud." "opps sorry." said nyru as the other creatures came up to us. "Hello there Digidestents." said the dragon. my friends were frozen I laugh "Hello Laney opps I mean Ying" I greeted smiling. "Hello helloo!" said the alicorn creture waving her hand in front of them. "yep there frozen" she said. "hold on Nyra I'll fix it" I said walking up to them using my new powers of ice and water i poured on them snapping the out of it. "THAT IS COLD!!!" Shouted davis. "Told you it worked." I said smiling the Izzy asked "Who are they?" "Oh these gals are Kina, Nyru, korra, Reni, Laney, Katrina, Alivia, Starfire, Connie, Tulip, and katie" Sora introduced. Each ancient sisters said hello and howdy. Then Tai spoke " So you guys are the ancient sisters Sora was talking about." "Yes" said Laney, korra looked at Sora then spoke pretty loud "you told them!!" " yes I did they saw me in my rookie form" said Sora giving her the death glare. Korra threw her arms in that air in defeat. "Ok I'm shutting up!!" Shouted korra. "You gals better remorph into your forms" said agumon pointing to daemon who was getting up. But before we did a voice shouted " Sora Laney get into your rookie forms now!!!" we realized why the ying-yang solstice was about to start. We went into our rookie forms shiato and Ying. Then a blast shot out as the sun and moon collided. A sliver and gold beam shot out at hit me and Laney we rose off the ground then.....

Shiato truly morph to........
Ying truly morph to........

*And cliff we do hanger ok guys i had to stop there so you'll see them later*

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