She stood at 6'7 and had a cape covering have her wings, she have a royal night armore golden colored enlaced with a deep red color, her sword of love and shield of courage was on her back, and finally to finish Kari's crest of light was on Sora's chest plate of her armore. Sora stood proud and tall, her Silver eyes no longer crimson were glaring at her enemy.
She was 6'6 her armore looked like Golden ninja robes the ninja, but it was strong armore, her golden bow and arrow was on her back, her eyes opened revealing her golden eyes no longer emerald.
Both new warriors of light stood tall. Daemon was afraid but stood his ground he won't let them win he cant destroy Shiato she is the bearer of love he needed to get her to demorph some how. He looked at them then shiato spoke in a deep voice "Daemon! You have reeked havoc in this world and the digital world We have no choice but to destroy you prepare for your final battle!", Daemon growled he was not pleased with what he heard. "if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get!!" Shouted Daemon as he commanded his move it's caught everyone off guard. "HELL'S TRIUMPH!!!!!!!!" it was heading straight for Sora but Laney got in the way, she was shot down when she hit the ground she demorphed. "Laney!!" Exclaimed Sora she turned to look at her enemy he was gone she then heard a scream "SORA!!!!!!" Sora turned and look she was horrified. Right in front of her was daemon he had Kari in his hand. "Give up Shiato or she dies" Said daemon smirking. Sora was scared Tai's little sister Kari was in trouble. 'What can I do I would lose my friend or I give up' She thought. "Well?" Said daemon impatiently. " I chose..........
*HAHAHA Cliff hanger Ch. 5 will be up soon.* **

Sleepover : Secrets Revealed
De TodoThis is my first fanfiction of digimon, Grojband, Legend of Korra, Beyblade, and teen titans but mostly Digimon/Grojband. Summary: The Digidestents (DD) are having a Guy-Girl sleepover but when they find out what Sora Has been hiding for 6 years, a...