Chapter 1

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Kara sat up in bed and looked at the window, sure she had heard something, the question was what did she hear? She listened carefully for the noise to come again. Suddenly a loud screech filled the air. Jumping to her feet she ran to the window and opened it. Sticking her head out she looked all around in search of the source. Seeing nothing she slipped out of the window to the tree by it and carefully climbed down to the ground.

Once on the ground, she slipped around the side of the house in the direction of the sound. As she rounded the side she came face to face with the stuff of nightmares,

Bent over with blood pooling on the ground beside it was a tall figure, it was draped in a black robe that hid its face from view. Kara’s mind raced, one half telling her to run and the other half telling her that this thing was hurt and needed help.
Going against her better judgment, she stepped towards the figure. With a screech, it stumbled back. Kara stopped moving immediately. Holding out her hand she spoke softly, “I’m not going to hurt you! I promise.”
The figure remained silent. Again she took a step forward and again the figure stumbled back but didn’t screech this time. Kara stood still for a moment then again took a step closer, this time the figure didn’t stumble back as far. “I want to help you,” Kara spoke.
It remained silent again. Again moving forward a step she held her hands limp at her side to show she was harmless.
This time the figure didn’t go back any and allowed her to come closer, until she was about a foot away and then it backed away again in fear.
She stood still and thought, trying to come up with a way of getting it to trust her enough to let her take care of its wounds. As a way to think she studied the figure.

She noticed that it didn’t cast a shadow, and its hands that could just barely be seen, were a pale color that could almost be described as white. For a split second, she wondered what it would feel to hold one of them.

he quickly shook the thought out of her head and focused on the task at hand, which was trying to get it to let her close enough to help it.
Her mind went back to when she first meet here friend Mayella. It was hard to earn Mayella's trust but she had managed, so she knew that she could gain this thing trust with some work. The question was what would it take? With Mayella aka Maya, she had stood up for her at school because the other kids were bullying Maya. But how did that help Kara tonight? It didn’t.
Suddenly an idea came to her, taking another step forward she held out her hand for a handshake. “ Hi, my names Kara, what’s yours ?” She asked.
The figure stared at her hand for a moment, then slowly moved forward just enough that it was able to poke her hand with its finger.
Kara held her breath waiting to see what would happen. It moved back a step then stopped and didn’t move. Kara remained afraid that if she moved it would lose the little bit of trust in her that it had. After a minute it moved a few inches closer and then a few more until it was close enough that she could touch it. It was only then that she was able to see its face.
His face had a scar running over his left eye. His eyes were ocean green, and the little bit of hair Kara could see was black. Slowly she reached out her hand to move the robe out of the way so she could see how bad he was wounded, he flinched but let her. The wound was bad and she knew she would have to stop the bleeding somehow and right away at that.
Taking the edge of her shirt she ripped a strip off of it and used it to stop the bleeding, then she gently reached out to take his arm, “come, we need to get you somewhere safe” she said. He allowed her to guide him to an old abandoned barn at the back of the property her parents owned. After making sure he was comfortable she headed back to bed, hoping and praying he would still be there in the morning. He hadn’t said a single word.

Authors Note: The Picture is of the mysterious Guy.

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