Chapter 2

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The next morning Kara ran out to the barn before the sun came up, in the backpack on her back she had some food for the guy in the barn and some water and new bandages for his wounds.
As she approached the barn her heart was pounding in her chest from the anticipation of whether or not he would still be there. Reaching the door she slid it open. A small rustle could be heard inside. Slipping in Kara stood still for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. As her eyes slowly adjusted she was able to make out the shape of a guy in the corner of the barn, stepping farther in Kara gently called out, “is that you?”
A grunt was heard from the corner, then the dark shape moved. It came closer till it was about 5 feet away from her, it was then that she was able to see that it was him, the guy she had helped last night, the guy whose name she didn’t know, who hadn’t said a word since she had first met him.
And now he was standing in front of her, his face was less than a foot from hers. Her eyes opened wide, when had he gotten so close? He continued forward until he was about half a foot away from her, the stopped and stood still.
After a second Kara came to her senses and reached into her bag and pulled out the food and water, “this is for you” she said, holding it out to him. He reached out and took the food from her, his hand brushing hers ever so lightly.
Kara stood there watching him food for a minute before remembering his wounds, pulling the bandages out of her bag she spoke: “I need the change your bandages”.
He glanced up at her from where he had sat on the floor. With a grunt, he moved just enough that she could get to his wounds easily.
Kneeling on the floor beside him she started to change the bandages, once done she stood back up and backed a little ways away.
Once he finished eating he looked up at her and just stared at her, Kara wasn’t sure what to do, she wasn’t sure what he wanted if anything.
Finally, he stood and moved over to a pile of straw on the floor, sat down and closed his eyes and started to go to sleep.
Not wanting to keep him from getting the rest he needs, she said in a soft voice, “I need to go see if I can get some more food, since you’ll be staying here till you’re better, we’re going to need a lot more food, I’ll be back later”.
The only response she got was a small grunt. Picking up her bag she headed out the door, closing it softly.
When she got back to her room she was surprised to see one of her best friends sitting on her bed looking at a picture she had on her desk of the two of them and their other best friend. “Hey Duke, what are you doing here?” She asked.
He looked up at her, “ what since Maya’s not here I can’t come see you?” He asked. “No that’s not what I meant, what I meant was what is the reason you’re here? It's not like you’re here just to hang out.”
He laughed, “you think the only reason I’m here is because I need something?” “Isn’t that why you normally come around even when Maya’s here?” Kara asked. He thought about that for a moment, “yeah I guess you’re right, I never really noticed till now, and now I feel bad”.
Kara gave him a sweet smile, “don’t worry I won't hold it against you”. “Really?” Duke asked. “ yeah really”. A huge smile broke over his face and he couldn’t stop smiling, “so what was it you needed?” Kara asked.

His smile faded, “do you know where Maya goes when she leaves on those long trips she takes?” He asked.
Kara thought about it for a second, then shook her head, “ to be honest, I never really thought to ask, why?” “Have you never noticed that she’s gone for sometimes a month and when she comes back some times she is hurt in some way or another?” Duke asked.
Kara’s mind went to the guy in the barn, she wondered what his name was and where he was from.
Duke waved his hand in front of her face and called her name, it was only after he had called her name 3 times did she come out of outer space. “What?” She asked. “Are you ok?” “Yeah fine, why?” “You blanked out on me,” “oh sorry, yeah I’m fine I was just thinking about something.”
She said. “Were you thinking about me?” He smirked. “What? No, it was something else, why would I think about you?”
She quickly yelped. “Oh please everyone knows you have a crush on me.” “No I don’t” “yes you do”, “no” “yes” “no” they kept arguing back and forth for a few minutes then gave up.
But it was true, Kara had had a crush on him for quite some time. How do I know?
I guess to explain that I’ll have to introduce myself. Hi, I’m Mayella but people call me Maya. I’m Kara’s best friend and also the one Duke and she was just talking about. Yes, it is true that sometimes I leave for a month or so, and when I come back sometimes I am hurt.
The worse I’ve been hurt that they know of is, I broke my leg once.
That was not a fun time for anyone involved, I was a grouch and got angry really fast and out of nowhere. To this day I’m pretty sure they are more careful around me because of that.
But all that aside you’re probably wondering what I think about the fact that my best friend was keeping a complete stranger and maybe criminal in her barn?
And the answer to that is at the time I had no idea but if I had it would have turned into one of those times that I got upset really fast.
Even now as I’m telling this story and know the outcome of it, I would still yell at her. But on to the next part of the story.

Authors note: The Picture is of Kara.

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