Clems pov.

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The sounds of sniffles fill the surrounding walls of Erickson. Clem is in her room alone. Just thinking. Silently crying to herself. A knock fills her sniffles.

"Come in." Clementine sits up on the bed looking at Louis. He shuts the door and walks up to her slowly.

"Hey the walkers are going away.." he told her silently. She looks up at him and smiles softly.

"Really? That's good.." she manages to let out with a couple of sniffles. Louis sits down next to her and takes her hand.

"Gabe told me something that you should know. He was in love with you ever since he laid his eyes on you, but he loved seeing you happy with me and that's what he left the world knowing that I would always make you smile, and honestly I am here for that.. well for you to make you smile.." Louis told Clem, Clementine let's put her sobs and chuckles at Louis.

She pulls him into a hug and starts crying. "It's like I lost another lee.. or Luke... or Kenny.." she told louis. Louis held her tight and kissed her head. "I love you. What you did today was fucking hot. Coming to save everyone. And me mostly." He looks at her and laughs. She laughs at him and wipes her face.

"Yea I am pretty badass." She admitted. Louis raises a eyebrow. "Your a god damn bad ass Ninja." He said while putting his hands up in the air as a ninja move. She smiles at grabs his hands. "Louis I am so scared to lose you, or anyone here.." she admitted her feelings to him. "Damn it's scary to think you use to be like my back bone but now I'm finally yours.. I always wanted a family growing up. To have kids. Be happy. Finally feel like someone will love me and listen to me. Now that I have it the world seems to constantly try to shit on me and think I'm about to lose it." Louis continues.

"I can't lose you Clementine. I can't lose you or aj. Not even violet or Rosie. You guys are my family I dreamed of. Seeing Gabe go.. reminded me of the raiders all over again.. it's hunting me." He lets out. Clementine kisses his cheek and holds it with her hand lightly.
"Truma." She mutters under her breath looking down.

"Well me and aj arnt going anywhere without you. Now that I can walk." She laughs, he looks down at her leg. "No leg or robotic leg that you made can ever make me not want to protect you clem." Louis smiles slightly and look up to her. She muffled a laugh and grabs his hand.


{3 days later.}

Muffled and sobs are surrounding everyone. Clem holds onto ajs hand and looks at Javi. He has bags under his eyes. A five o'clock shadow growing on him... Clem looks over at Louis whispering to vi... he nodded at her and she lets go of ajs hand and steps forward.

"Gabe..I known you for years, even those most of those years I ran.. those moments we, or um anyone was around you? Where the great moments. The ones where you would be next to me. When I'm pissed off.. where you should get everyone drunk and stupid to enjoy a fight. We laughed about it later.. you've seen me fight hard to get to who I have today. On top of that you respected me. Louis. Aj. My whole group, not knowing anyone. But you have given them your casa too Gabe." Clem starts to look down and takes a deep breath. And starts to tear up. " te amo Gabe. I hope you rest well."  Clem takes a kneel and puts Gabe's hat ontop of the cross. And gets back up to Gabe everyone looks and stare around with sniffles and crying in the background.

"I'd like to speak next." Braylee's quiet innocent voice speaks up. Clem smiles and shakes her head. "Yea uh go ahead."

"Gabe was the one who protected me, told me that everyone was going to be okay in Richmond.. even though he and I both knew everyone we left was dead.. but somehow you telling me that made me believe I am loved still and I still felt protected." She whimpers.. she takes out a pice of paper.

"While we were in the caravan, you held me close with you and watched over me when I was awake or asleep. You never let anyone touch me without checking them out first." She chuckles. "You told me it's us against the world.. and look what this world got you into Gabe..." she starts crying. Javi grabs her shoulder and gives her a comforting look.

"..the people who.." She stops and looks around towards her people. "Who.." She then grips onto the paper harder. And then starts to crumble it up.

"The people who came with us the ones who cried the hardest when they herd you died or saw you died. They did that to put on a show and you still knew even on your dying moments. Yet you still tried to make me laugh and smile and try to make sure we all where safe just like as if Javi would.."

"What's this?" Kehlani Starts to get angry.

"You knew the girl who you first fell in love with was going to hurt you yet you still wanted to make her laugh and smile, then to make sure her little man was safe." She smiles while looking down.

"You knew about what that whore did to me and you still protected me. Your words burn though my heart and makes me stronger." She smiles..

"Your last thing you said to me.. was to keep someone here safe. That's what I'm going to do. I love you amigo have a good trip." She lets out and starts crying into Javis arms. He holds her and picks her up.

Everyone looks At him. As if they all expected him to speak. He looks at everyone holding braylee.

"He's a good boy. He made everyone proud about who he became and that's it." He said. Clem Notices he is tired. Javi starts to leave. After we say our prayers.

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