Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Calamer's POV:

The sound of thunder boomed as I lay in bed with my covers pulled up to my chin. It was about midnight out, I thought to myself as I looked out the window in my bedroom. Rain pounded on the window as lightning struck somewhere close. It made me jump slightly. I didn’t like the rain that much.

Since I couldn’t sleep, I got out of my bed and headed over to my computer, a Toshiba laptop that was like my life. Everything I ever needed was on there. All my stories, my websites, all that good stuff.

I logged onto my Facebook first, checked my messages, and then logged off. I got onto my email and pulled up AOL AIM. I had no friends on there whatsoever. I hadn’t for a long time.

I logged onto Wattpad and uploaded on my story, and went to look at the comments people had posted. One of them was from, HopeBeth96. The username sounded familiar to me. I shrugged that thought off and read it aloud.

“Hey! Excellent story. I know many people don’t like it when people said to read their story, but could you read mine?” I said in a whisper.

I scrolled down and read the story name.

“Shape shifter,” It said. Eh, why not?

I went to her page and clicked the story, reading the whole thing within 15 minutes. It was an excellent story, so I commented on it.

“Hey, read the story, it’s really excellent.” I typed and clicked post.

It wasn’t long before she replied with, “OMG! You commented and read my story! I’ve been wanting you to read it forever!”

I laughed at the reply and became her fan. She did the same to me.

I looked at the clock on my computer and sighed to myself. It was now about 2 in the morning. I was tired again, and the storm had died down a bit. I logged off and went back to bed, pulling my orange blanket over me.

Sleep soon invaded my mind.

The night seemed to zoom by quickly, since the sound of my alarm woke me with a start. I flicked it off and then mumbled to myself, not wanting to get up. But soon after my waken, my mother called me. It wasn’t a long talk, but just enough for her to tell me it’s time to get and all this other nonsense. Of course I knew it was time to get up, I’m not stupid.

With a sigh, I got up out of bed. I pulled my shoulder length, dark brown hair into a ponytail and put on my headband. I walked over to my desk and sat down, bringing my school books up off the ground. I’ve been homeschooled now for about 2 years. It was so much easier, in my opinion.

I worked in Math, worked in English, wrote a writing assignment, and finished with vocabulary and spelling. I pushed my books aside and logged onto my computer again.

I checked my email, Facebook, and then went back onto wattpad. I read my newest comments from my story and then uploaded a new part. That was when I got an IM from the chat box. It was from HopeBeth96. A smile appeared on my face as I clicked to open it.

“Hey!” It said as I read it silently in my head.

“Hi,” I replied then put a smiley face after it. She responded quickly.

“Just wanted to say hi, and that I thank you again for reading and comment on my story,” She replied, putting a smile on my face again.

“No problem, any time,” I sent back.

“I’m Ellie, by the way. I go by my middle name.” She said a few minutes later. Such a familiar name, yet it seemed so distant to me.

“Calamer,” I typed back with a smile still on my face.

“Awesome name!” She quickly said.

“I know, I love it. Though sometimes people make fun of it.” I said and then put a slanted smile.

“They’re just jealous since it’s an awesome name,” She responded with tongue sticking out.

It made me giggle.

“Pfft, your name is better than mine,” I did the same smiley back to her.

The conversation just went on from there and it lead to us exchanging emails to keep more in contact with each other. I told her I would add her and then said I had to go since dinner was ready. She logged off after saying good bye.

I added her to my email’s contact list, and then logged out myself. I ran downstairs to get dinner. I couldn’t wait to talk to Ellie again.

Little did I know that this night would be the beginning of many horrible events to come during the next couple of days and weeks.

A/N - Sorry if this seems like really spaced out and rushed, I had some serious writer's block and was wanting to get to the good parts. =)

I'll be uploading soon!

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