Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Calamer's POV: 

"What's for dinner?" I asked mom as I walked into the kitchen, opening the blinds as I went down the hallway. 

I noticed the clouds were a dull grey. And were very low. Kinda creepy.

"Tacos," Mom smiled at me as I came into view. It brought a smile to my face.

Taco night was my favorite night. It was the same with my dad and my grandmother, who lived with us. 

I sat down at the dinner table and dug in, feeding my face.

I heard my mother laugh from the stove. I couldn't help it. I was growing girl in dire need of food! Can you blame me?

Mom soon joined us, us meaning my grandmother and I, and began to eat. Dad was working, but would be home soon.

It was now around 4:30 as I got up and went to put my dishes away from eating. I noticed mom had turned the TV on in the kitchen, switching to the news immediately. The announcer's voice echoed through the room as he talked about sever thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches heading our way in the small town of Olive Branch, Mississippi.

I suddenly felt tense as the word 'tornado watch' replayed in my mind. I didn't like the weather that much. I downright hated it really.

I decided to go take my mind off things - the weather that is. I walked into the living room and flopped down onto the couch, flipping on the TV as well. It popped up with the news again, as always. Within the time it took me to move from the kitchen to the living room, the weather had changed. From a 'tornado watch' to a 'tornado warning' for our part of the county. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the TV as it showed how long it was until it would hit, if it even would.  

A meowing noise coming from behind me startled me. Si and Am, my two Seal Point Siamese cats, were sitting on the couch next to me, strangely not running around or anything. I could tell then, that something was up. 

I looked at the time on the clock under the TV. 4:55 pm. Was I really staring at the TV for that long? 

"Calamer! Get the cats! Into the closet now!" I heard my mother's frantic voice yell to me. I jumped up, picking Si and Am up with both arms. I ran for the closet under the stairs; it was our 'safe spot'. 

I squeezed into the back, considering my Grandmother had come in as well now. Mom was standing half inside and half outside, wavering through the doorway. 

That was when the heavy wind and rain started. Hail soon arrived afterwards, sending my two cats crazy and scared. I tried to calm them the best I could. 

"Cal!" My mother screamed. I peeked my head around the door and looked at her. 

"Sirens are going off," She said. I only nodded and walked back into the closet, leaving the door propped open in case she had to get in quickly. 

And soon enough, at 5 o'clock on the mark, she had to. It was happening.

My ears popped as mom slammed and locked the door shut. Sirens blasted from outside, barely noticeable from the rain, hail, and wind hitting the storm windows.

It soon ended and we were able to go out. Realization hit me then on what had happened.

A tornado had hit us.

A/N - Soo.. as Faith said on the last chapter, it has been like two months, and I'm sorry ya'll. I hope you like this chapter! Surprisingly enough, A LOT of this chapter was true. Everything you read was true, except for the names, they were fake names in replacement of my families and mine... so yeah.. Anyway! Again, sorry for the wait and hope you like it! =)

- Gee 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2010 ⏰

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