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She took a few deep breaths and started  to tremble. Tremble as if someone was there waiting for her;as soon as she'll stand up,the person will abduct her.As if she's being chased by voldemort or bad vampires like  Laurent and Victoria.But why her,she must be merely 22 years old?

I zoned out for a while.

The loud,shrilling sound of my phone's ringtone bought me back to reality.

By the time that happened,the women's scared brown eyes fell towards me.I couldn't see,but I was sure her heart must be palpinating at a much higher rate now.

I stooped my hand low towards her,as a sign for her to stop;taking tiny footsteps towards her pale,trembling, shaking body.

I don't know if I was a monster,I intimated or scared her?Because each single step I took forward,  she started trembling more and more as if I was going to pull the bullet trigger right off her forehead.

"Calm down .I'm not going to hurt you" I tried to calm her down,still taking small intimidating but careful steps towards her.

"N-o-o,he-'ll k-i-l-l m-e" tears started brimming around her eyes at a
galloping rate,such tears that could fill up the whole damn town.

"Who'll kill you?" I asked.

"T-h-e m-a-n a-t y-o-u-r b-a-c-k" she shakily slipped in between her heavy sobs.I turned back around only to find no one standing there.

"Who-" but before I could complete my sentence the women fell onto the state of unconsciousness, followed by me dialing ambulance number ,continued by the beeping of sirens.But not before i saw black ink onto the side of her left shoulder, left exposed by her falling to the ground.

Hope nothing serious happened to her!


"Thank you so much for saving Kara,thank you" Kendall,who I knew to be her sister thanked me.

"It's no problem really, just that she cried that someone was after her,though no one was.What was it for?And the black ink at her shoulder?" I curiously questioned.

"I'm not really comfortable with sharing the ink part,but she has schizophrenia ever since that abusive boyfriend of her tried to kill her ,but she somehow survived that resulted in the funeral of that boyfriend. And ever since that she's having nightmares, attacks related to him." Her expression changed to a serious one.

"Oh,I'm sorry?Can this be prevented?" I asked ,out of worry.

"It's fine,and no schizophrenia cannot be prevented,it lastes longtime." She held her hand onto mine.

I did the same,assuring her that everything will be fine.

"Don't worry,it's going to be fine." I hugged her.

But was it?



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